27.... Fake Girlfriend Pt 2

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Violettas POV:

I stare at them as they enter. Ludmilla runs up to us looking shocked.

Ludmilla- Oh congrats you two! Maybe one day you'll be as happy as me and Tomas!!

She walks away and we all share a look of shock.

Cami-Um... isn't she with Leon?!?!

Fede-Okay I'm texting him to get his ass down here right now he needs to know about this...

Fran-Ummm... Fede.....

Tomas walks up behind Fede and snatches his phone.

Tomas- You won't tell anyone!

Fede-Oh yeah or what?

Tomas takes out his phone and shows a picture of me and Fede kissing.

Tomas-Or this goes to the whole schools inbox...

Tomas chucks Fede's phone back at him and Fede catches it.

V-Fede can't we just wait until Leon gets here and then he can see for himself...

Fede-Great idea babe!

He puts his arm around my waist and then I realise its because Broadway and Maxi are coming towards us. Broadway and Maxi look at us shocked whilst I try my best to do a girly giggle. I put my head on Fede's shoulder and try to act casual.

Maxi-Fede... since.... when... was that a thing??

Fede-Umm... a few weeks now... we've been keeping it secret for a while...

Broadway-Well congrats... Cami wanna dance?

Cami and Broadway go and dance. Fran glances behind us and looks upset. I turn around and see a guy and girl walk in.

V-Who's that?

Fran-Marco... with some girl.....

V-Oh Fran, wanna talk alone?


V-Be right back guys!

Me and Fran walk off to a booth and slide in.

Fran-he said he liked me V he said that and now he's here with some other girl...

V-Maybe its not that bad.. why don't we talk to him?

Fran-Ha no way... lets stay here for a while though...

I look at Fede and Maxi and Marco's talking to them.

V- Stay here if you want but I am getting introduced...

Fran- Fine I'll come...

Me and Fran rejoin the guys. Fede puts his arm around me and I flash him a fake grin. He gives me a sarcastic smile and I playfully hit him in the arm.

Marco-Am I going to be introduced or am I going to stand here watching you act out a bad rom com??

Everyone laughs except Fran who just rolls her eyes in appreciation.

Fede- Marco this is V... my girlfriend..

V- Nice to meet you Marco...

Marco-Umm... whats V short for....Viola... Violet... Vivian...

V-Actually its Violetta but most people just call me V

Marco-Oh okay cool...

Why is he acting so strange all of a sudden? Like seriously can my name creep someone out that much...

*1 hour later*

The parties starting to die down a bit before we hear the door slam shut and see a very angry Leon come in.Fede wraps his arm around my waist and I fake a smile at him.




Ludmilla- Lion its... not what it seems like...


I shake Fedes arm away as Leon approaches us and go stand next to Fran. I mouth "Not now.." at Fede and he nods his head. We all exchange a look agreeing not to mention it to Leon before he's calmed down.

Leon-Urgh why did I trust that bitch?!?

He sits down on a chair head in his hands.

Fede-Its alright mate... we all regret shit we've done.... even if its recent....

Fede looks at me and I look away... he means the kiss... the way we kissed...its nothing though... a kiss is harmless...

Leon: Why you acting so strange Fede?

Leon looks at Fede and Fede looks at me. I look at Fran. Desperate to keep this lie going she yells, "Fede and V are together!". I cover her mouth with my hands and she looks at me like she's sorry.

Leon- Oh thats why you were acting so weird man... congrats!

Fede gives him a thumbs up and the party continues. I mainly dance with Fede and Leon in a group but when the slow song comes on I walk towards Fede. Fede looks at Fran and they exchange a look of disappointment.

Fede- Why don't you guys dance? I need to talk to Fran about something...

He kisses me on the cheek and leave me with Leon. We dance close to eachother. He stares at me with those beautiful hazel eyes and I feel like he is gazing into my soul. I smile at him.

Leon-Shh don't tell Fede but you're cute when you smile...

I giggle nervously... since when did I giggle?!?

After the song finishes the party ends. Me and Fede head home. I am taking off my makeup when I hear a knock at my bedroom door.


V-Come in...

Fede swings the door open, runs up to me and gives me a big bear hug.

Fede-Sorry for the super arkwardness and oddness tonight was... but I told all the guys that is was just a prank too see if everyone could believe it and its fine... they all took it pretty well..


I hug Fede and smile at him... Its so weird that earlier today we were acting like a couple. I look at Fede and realise he is my best friend. Nothing more...

Authors Note: I've brought out a new book yay! Its called The Dreamers:A Leonetta story and at the time of writing this I have one part out!

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