20.....The End of the night

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A/N: Contains strong language.

Leons POV:

Everyone stares at me and V as we re-enter the room. Fede looks shocked too see my arm around her. Everyone slowly draws their attention else where whilst Fede gets of stage. I walk us over to the guys and sit V next too Fran and sit the other side of her. Fede walks up to us.


V-It doesn't matter Fede! And seriously you were fucking worried about me! You are the reason I am like this....

I feel Vilu start to shake so I grab her hand and squeeze it tight.

Fran-V are you alright now at least?

V-Yeah I'm fine

She looks at me and smiles. Ludmilla approaches us. Urgh this won't be good.

Ludmilla- What did I say? Oh right that you couldn't sing and guess what you can't!

V- Just drop it Ludmilla

Ludmilla- But... you did just make a massive fool of yourself I mean seriously scared to perform.. Hmph what a crybaby am I right?

Cami- Just fuck off and leave V alone Ludmilla!

Ludmilla- I will talk to V if I want to talk to V

Leon- Leave her alone!

I stand up shaking V's hand away.

Ludmilla- Lion why the hell are you defending such a crybaby?!

V- Leon leave it.

She drags me back down.

Ludmilla- Anyway darling don't feel bad only some of us are Born to Shine.

V-You know what we'll see about that Ludmilla

V flips her hair and puts both hands on her hips. She walks up to the stage and grabs the microphone and starts singing Ludmillas Song. Everyone stares at her in amazement as Ludmilla starts booing and moaning over everyone.

Authors Note: Ignore the video Its the only audio that I could find.

I smile at her. She smiles back it looks like she's having a great time on stage. She runs off and hugs Fran and Cami. She then hugs Fede.

Fede-V I'm sorry you know I love ya sis

V- I know I love you too bro.

He puts his arm around her and squeezes her tight. She then runs up and puts her arms around me.

V-Thank you Leon!

I hug her back.

Leon-It was nothing really V

V-Well thank you anyway!

She pulls out of our hug and kisses me on the cheek. Fede and her say there goodbyes and then leave marking an end to such an amazing night.

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