2 - He's a She?! Or, is She, uh, He?!

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The Tendos stared at the girl claiming to be Ranma Saotome. They just couldn't believe it was true. Soun Tendo approached the girl and stared hard into her dark blue eyes. "So, I am to believe that you are Ranma, Genma's son?"


"Ha!" Soun laughed, "Impossible! You can't be a son if you're a girl. Now, tell us where Ranma really is."

The red haired girl growled a bit in frustration. She pointed to herself, glaring at him. "Listen here, buddy! I am Ranma Saotome, whether you believe it or not! And, that 800-pound headache of a bear over there is my father, Genma!" She shouted, pointing to the panda bear that had carried her inside.

At hearing what was said about him, the panda clonked Ranma on the head. She yelled in pain and held her sore spot, glaring daggers at him. The Tendo family was still in disbelief, especially the girls. How could their father have a panda friend with a son that's a girl?

"Father," Kasumi said, "please, explain this. Is this Genma Saotome and his son or not?"

Soun groaned softly as he closed his eyes. "Oh, I don't know anymore..."

(Name) and Akane shared a glance before turning back to the situation at hand. Akane looked somewhat relieved while (Name) seemed confused, just like the rest of their family. Nabiki grabbed her father's shoulder and asked, "Well, what happens now, Daddy? We have no cute fiance and 2 very strange guests on our hands."

"Nabiki, don't be rude!" (Name) said, worried that Ranma and Genma were offended. She turned to them and smiled nervously. "I-I'm sorry, you two."

Ranma stared at her for a moment before shaking her head and saying, "No, it's fine. Don't worry about it."

(Name) gave her a genuine smile then. "Well, for what it's worth, welcome to our home, Ranma Saotome," She bowed respectfully to her. Then, (Name) bowed to the panda. "Genma Saotome, sir."

Akane ran to her sister and held her arm. "(Name), you don't actually believe this, do you? It's pretty hard to mistake someone's daughter for a son!"

"Or, a panda for a man." Nabiki chimed in, her hand rested on her hip and a frown on her face.

Soun Tendo stepped forward, silencing his bickering daughters. He bowed to the red haired girl and her panda companion. "I apologize. Please, stay with us for dinner. I insist."

"Oh! I almost forgot, I made some pot-stickers for you two. You can have them now, if you wish." Kasumi told the pair as she gestured to the tale for them to sit down. Then, she quickly went into the kitchen to get the food.

Ranma sat down and looked over her shoulder at the twin girls. They were quietly conversing amongst themselves, which made her very curious. She was certain that she was the topic of their conversation.

Akane and (Name) sat down across from Ranma and her... father. Nabiki sat down at the end of the table, next to her father, who was sitting at the head of the table.

"Here they are," Kasumi set the pot-stickers down on the table before going to the other end of the table and sitting down. Then, everyone began to eat.

"So, Ranma, how was it in China?" (Name) asked, attempting to make polite conversation.

"Whaddya mean," Ranma asked with her mouth full, "it's not like we went there for fun. We were training."

"Still, did you see anything interesting?"

"Nope." She answered, scarfing down the food in her mouth. Genma growled at her in a way that seemed to say, 'Mind your manners.' Ranma shrugged and reached with her chopsticks for the last pot-sticker. However, (Name)'s chopstick had stabbed into it at the same time.

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