21 - Sugar Sweet Kisse-- Desserts

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Ranma held his dear (Name) in his arms with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. She gazed up at him and held his face, blushing demurely. "Ranma..."

"(Name)..." He leaned down as he closed his eyes, ready to lay a tender kiss on her lips. She closed her eyes, as well, welcoming the incoming kiss.

"Ah!" Ranma shot up in bed, sweating nervously. He held his forehead as he panted. Then, he looked around, worried that someone might have seen what he was dreaming about. 'What's the matter with me?! I-I can't think about her like that!'

Just then, (Name) opened the door and waved at him. "Good morning!"


She blinked in surprise when Ranma screamed and jumped up to stand. "What's the matter, Ranma?"

He looked at her, but blushed as flashes of his dream came back to his mind. All he could see was himself almost kissing her. Ranma, quick as lightening, grabbed some clothes and ran past her. 


"Goodmorning,(Name)!Seeyouatschool!" Ranma rushed out as he ran to the bathroom to get ready. 

(Name) pouted as she put her hands on her hips. "What's his deal?" she wondered aloud.

On the way to school, Ranma sped-walked ahead of the girls, keeping his eyes on the ground. Akane raised her eyebrow at him before turning to her twin. "Is he okay? Is this about yesterday?"

"I don't know! He's been avoiding me since this morning. Maybe I shouldn't have come to the room to wake him up." (Name) brought her fist up to her mouth, worried. Then, she ran up to Ranma's side. "Ranma?"


"Come to the Home Ec room after school is out, okay? That's my last class. I want to make you an apology dessert."

Ranma tried to look at her, but just glanced at her for half a second before looking down again. "A-apology? What for?"

(Name) played with the handle of her school bag as she muttered, "W-well, you seemed put-off this morning when I came in. So, I want to make you something special to apologize. Will you be there?"

"Uh... S-sure thing." He agreed. However, he didn't know how he was supposed to eat her cooking when he couldn't even look at her anymore.

During Home Economics, (Name) mixed up a small batch of dough while Akane helped her make a sugar and cinnamon mixture to roll the dough in once it was cooked. She smiled happily as she made a few balls of dough before putting them into a circular cupcake pan.

"Well, well, well." Rida sauntered over to (Name)'s work station with a saucy grin. "If it isn't little Stockholm..."

"What do you want, Rida? I'm busy." (Name) put the pan into the oven to bake. She put her hand on her hip and stared blankly at her.

Rida looked around at the ingredients that (Name) had used. "Hmm... This doesn't look like the things you need for cookies."

"I'm making something special. Now, why don't you go back to your station before your crumbly mess of a batch of cookies burns?"

"Hmph!" The blonde crossed her arms. "You only try to insult my cookies because you can't make cookies right. You and Akane are both failures in the cooking department, among others."

Akane flinched angrily and slammed the cinnamon down on the table. "Watch it, Rida! There's plenty of areas where you fail!"

"Why don't we just see? I left a note on Ranma's desk, inviting him to the Home Economics room once the bell rang. We'll sit him down and have him judge who's cooking is better." Rida smirked at (Name)'s angry face. "Deal?"

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