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"Cisco, I swear to God, if you tell my dad I'm coming I will actually murder you." Jackie threatens, holding the phone against her ear.

"Okay, homegirl, no need to go vicious on me."

Jackie rubs her hand down her face, "It is supposed to be a surprise, besides I want to congratulate Ronnie and Caitlin in person, not over the phone."

"Alrighty, how far are you from S.T.A.R. Labs?"

"Uh... pretty far." Jackie scratched the back of her head, "Has dad spoke about coming with me to the cemetery yet?"

She could hear Cisco's loud sigh on the other side, "No... I don't think he's ready yet."

"He's not ready?" Jackie snaps, "It's been thirtee..." She releases a long sigh, "Doesn't he know this is hard on me too?"

"He knows that Jackie..."

Jackie glares at the guy on the train, who kept sneezing in her direction, "Does he? Because when was the last time he spoke to me? Other than when you handed him the phone by mistake?"

"Your dad loves you, Jackie."

"Without mom around, I feel like he doesn't."


"This is my stop." Jackie stands up, leaving the train, "I'll see you later."

"But Jackie-"

Jackie hung up the call, her boots hitting the cement walkway. Her eyes wandered the city, cringing slightly. It was a beautiful city, but some of the people just made you want to turn and leave. Originally Jackie was going to live in Starling City-her birth town, but because her father and friends were in Central she decided to live there. She actually lived in Starling City for a long time, before her mother passed away. She actually kind of missed Oliver and Diggle, but she missed Felicity the most. That odd blonde had helped her get a job, even if she was stuck in tight dresses in heels, it was a good job. Though she was happy to come to Central since Felicity's sister lived here. Emily Smoak lived in Central City, she worked as a criminologist, something completely different from her sister.

Jackie pulled her headset out of her bag, happily listening to music, even if it was all covers from a Youtube channel, it was great. She absolutely loved PostModern JukeBox, so just listening to the cover of Bad Romance but in 1920's Swinger, that was absolutely great.

She turned the corner and collided with someone, both dropped to the floor, a loud groan escaping Jackie's lips. Her head shoots up to see who ran into, and by ran, she meant, literally ran. He was really cute, looked real young. She recognized him a little, but not enough to say a name. He was speaking to her, but she couldn't hear with her headphones on. She pulled the headphones out, "Sorry, could you repeat that?"

He became even more flustered once he realized she couldn't hear him the whole time, "I-I'm sorry." He helped her up from the ground, "I-I'm in a hurry. I never meant-"

Jackie nods, a smile passing across her face, "No, it's no problem." She picked up the chocolate that was on the ground, "I believe this is yours."

"Oh!" He quickly grabs it, "Thanks."

Jackie raised an eyebrow, he just kind of stood there awkwardly and stared at her, as if he had no clue what he was doing, "Uh..." She tilts her head, "Didn't you say you were in a hurry?"

His eyes widen, mouth opening slightly, "RIGHT!" He begins to run, but then darts back, "Again, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." Jackie waved goodbye, "Don't be late!"

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