Chapter 2

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Jackie took out her phone and dialed Emily's number, but it went straight to voicemail...again. She flopped down into her seat, immediately regretting that action when the sore muscles shot the pain through her body. She shifted in her seat, when Cisco walked in, tossing her a lollipop, "Still feel like garbage?"

"It's been a day, Cisco, yes, I still feel like garbage."

"Simmer your sass, I was just asking." Cisco raised his hand and lowered it, holding one of the most offended expressions on his face, "Man, your first defense mechanism is always sass or sarcasm."

"Or a good punch to the face." Caitlin adds, giving Jackie a cup of coffee, "Here."

Cisco stared longingly at the cup, "And you didn't get me one?" Cisco pouted, "I thought we were close."

Caitlin walked across the room, her heels clicking against the tiled floor, she left the room, leaving Jackie and Cisco in silence. She slurped her cup loudly, uncomfortable with the loud silence that rang through the room, "Has she been like this since... you know?"

Cisco fell back in his swirling chair, leaning his face into the palm of his hand, "Yeah, she was distant before, but not this distance, she's just gotten so cold." Cisco turned in his chair, facing the computer screen, his fingers quickly tapped away at the keyboard when suddenly Poker Face began to play.

"Cisco...?" Jackie raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?"

"He likes this song."

"Are you referring to the comatose patient that is currently, you know, still comatose?" Jackie taps her foot against the ground at the beat of the music, not particularly minding, but wanted Cisco's reasoning behind this.

"I checked his facebook page." Cisco grins turning his head to face Jackie instead of Barry, "I mean, he can hear all of this right?"

Caitlin walked back in, "Auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate."

Jackie's eyes traveled down the unconscious man, when suddenly he sprung up with a gasp, his eyes wildly looked around the room. They fell on Jackie, his eyebrows scrunching up in utter confusion.

Cisco's whole body recoiled, "Oh, my God!"

"Where am I?" Barry's eyes did not leave Jackie's as the question left his lips.

Before Jackie could answer him, Caitlin rushed over to him, "He's up."

"Dr. Wells, get down to the cortex, like, right now."

Caitlin grabbed onto Barry, "Pulse 120, pupils equally reactive to light."

Barry was obviously freaking out, not even know what was happening, "Hey, hey, Look at me." Jackie snapped her fingers to Barry would look her way, "Hey, everything's okay, you can relax. You're in STAR Labs."

"STAR Labs?" Barry's eyes went to Caitlin and Cisco, "Who are you?"

"I'm Cisco Ramon. She's Caitlin... Dr. Snow."

Caitlin moved a beaker in front of his face, "I need you to urinate in this."

Jackie's eyes widen, snatching the container from her, "Not this second."

"What is... what is happening? What is going on?" Barry gaped at Jackie, he was still disoriented and confused to how he was at STAR Labs.

"Barry, you were struck by lightning," Jackie answers, trying to get him stable.

"What?" Barry turned around and saw a mirror, his eyes fell to his abs, and now that Jackie had time to register what he was looking at, couldn't help but allow her gaze to wander, "Lightning gave me abs?"

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