Chapter 12

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*Couple of days ago*

Jackie tapped her pen against her clipboard, looking directly at Leonard Snart, "You shouldn't be kidding around, Mister Snart."

"Leonard is perfectly fine." He leaned forward, folding his hands together on the desk, eyes trained on Jackie.

Jackie put her pen behind her ear, wanting so bad to roll her eyes at him, "I prefer Snart."

Leonard smirked at her with his piercing blue eyes, "So, what happened to Carter? I never actually had the pleasure of speaking with her but I know from the talk around here that you're new."

Jackie took her pen out from behind her ear, scribbling stuff down, "Miss Carter took her leave a while ago. Now, stop avoiding the question and answer me."

"One more question." Snart held up his hand, using his index finger to make the number one, the cuffs pulling his other hand up as well, "Why do you keep avoiding eye contact?"

Jackie set her clipboard down on the table, releasing an annoyed sigh, "I have not been avoiding eye contact with you, Mister Snart, I have been simply avoiding your provocative glances."


Jackie huffed back at her office, sitting down in her chair with a groan. Emily walked in, "How's it like being flirted with by a convict?"

Jackie rolled her eyes up at her friend, "How was your date with Cisco?"

"Fantastic." Emily states, "Don't avoid the question with a question."

"It's annoying." Jackie snaps, "It's only him, every other inmate I am able to counsel, but he likes to push my buttons."

"Is he cute though?"

Jackie looked up at her incredulously, "Seriously? He's in prison?" She pushed her hair from her face, "Thank goodness he is being transferred today."

"Awe but-"

Jackie rose a hand in the air, "Quiet Smoak."

Barry walked in, looking at the two females, "What's going on?"

"A prisoner has a crush on Jackie."

Jackie rolled her eyes again, "Emily's being ridiculous, a lot of convicts tend to harass the females that come in and speak to them. He's being transferred anyway, so I don't have to deal with him anymore."

"Well, that's good." Barry nods, "Emily, your phone has been ringing. It looks like it's Cisco." Emily jumped from her spot and rushed to her phone, that she had left in the lab. Barry glances over at Jackie, who was balls deep in her work, "You know you can take a break once in awhile."

Jackie readjusted her reading glasses, rubbing her tired eyes, "I'm fine."

"No, you're not." Barry takes her reading glasses from her, folding them and placing them on his shirt, "I can tell you're tired."

Jackie ran a hand down her face, looking up at him through the slits of her hair, "Give them back, Barry."

Barry grinned at her annoyed expression, stuffing the glasses in his pocket, "After we go to Jitters for a break."

Jackie rolled her eyes, standing up, extending her hand to him, "No, give it back, Bartholomew."

Barry put his hand over his heart, "Using my full name now, Jacqueline." Barry zoomed away from her, waving the glasses in the air, "Catch me."

"You have super speed, isn't that cheating?"

Barry began to normally run, "Then I'll be normal for a while." Jackie groaned, not actually trying to even run, just walk slowly after him, "Awe, come on, you're not even trying."

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