Chapter 9

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Joe smiled as Jackie finally showed up, "Hey, thank you for coming."

Jackie pulled back the chair, taking a seat in front of him, "It's no problem, Detective West. Why did you call me out?"

"Joe is perfectly fine." He gave her a smile, "You see, currently in the precinct, Allyn Carter has quit her job."

Jackie gave Joe an odd stare, "Okay... What has that got to do with me?"

"Allyn Carter was our precincts criminologist," Joe explains, noticing how Jackie's eyes widen in surprise.

Jackie pushed back her chair a little bit, "Joe-"

"I read over your background, and you double majored." Joe leaned forward, "You have a background in sociology, psychology, and criminology. In addition, you have a bachelor's and master's degree. We could use someone like you working in the precinct."

Jackie looked away from Joe for a minute, "I already have a job..."

"Working under your father." Joe speaks up, "I'm not trying to push you into something you don't like, but by the looks of it, you enjoyed studying this in college, or you would have never pursued it as a major." He releases a sigh, "I'm just saying, branch out a little, you don't always have to impress your father, do what you love."

Jackie looked at Joe's hopeful face, "Okay, but you know my job at STAR labs is important since it involves Barry and Emily."

"And I won't hold you if you're late, but you better not be as late as Barry."

Jackie giggles, enjoying her time with Joe, as he laughs at his own joke, "Yeah, I won't be. Do I need to fill out any paperwork?"

"For the most part yes." Joe explains, "I can get you working immediately, but you'll have to fill out the basic information, along with your degrees."

"I'd like that, thank you, Joe."

"I should be thanking you. You didn't have to accept the job."

Jackie simply gave him a shrug, "I actually loved the idea of working as a criminologist, but my dad always pushed the science my way, so I grew a liking to that as well."

"Well, I hope you enjoy your new job." Joe grins, "I'll see you tomorrow, the form is online if you want to just fill it out and bring tomorrow."

"I'll probably do that." Jackie smiles, "Get it over with." Jackie and Joe's friendship started because of the argument Barry and he had, she actually spoke to him and apologized for everything. She even explained to Joe why she was so upset that Barry did that to him, so Joe began to treat her kindly, he knew her problems with her father and even spoke to her father about the problems. After a while, Jackie felt like Joe was more of a father figure to her than her actual father was.

"I'm sure Barry would be ecstatic that you are going to work with him." Joe grins from ear to ear, "And Emily, of course."

Jackie gave him an odd look, but chose to ignore what he said, "How is Barry doing? I know he is in love with Iris, has he told her yet?"

Joe was taken aback by her knowledge of it, but eventually laughed, "It's obvious isn't it?" Her covered his mouth, letting his chuckles out a little more, "I know my own daughter's feelings, she finds Barry like a brother, but no matter what I say to him, he just won't give up."

Jackie gave him a nod, releasing a small yawn, "I'm sure he'll find out eventually."

Joe noticed how tired Jackie was getting and checked the time, "You should head home, it is getting pretty late."

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