Chapter 11

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Caitlin had been prodding at Jackie with her equipment, "It looks like your powers were triggered under pressure."

Jackie looked down at her hands, "Cool, so if anyone gets heat stroke I can cool them down."

Dr. Wells rolled up next to his daughter, "Well, that all depends on the extent of your powers. There is a possibility that you can do so much more."

Barry groans, but not loudly. He squints his eyes, not able to take the bright light that was in his fast. He looks around, his suit had been unzipped. Cisco grinned down at him, "The Streak lives."

"Barry." Jackie pulls the needles from her arm, "You're okay."

Emily smiles at him, "One, You'd be dead if your lung cells didn't regenerate so quickly. And two, you'd be dead if Jackie wasn't here."

"Oooh." Barry puffs out, putting his hand on his chest, "My chest feels like that one time I had a cigarette." Barry noticed the amused look Jackie gave him, "Yeah, teen me lived for danger."

"This isn't funny. You could've-"

Barry cut Caitlin off, "I didn't."

"Now that we have a sample, we'll get to work analyzing it, figure out the makeup of the poison, maybe get a clue as to his human identity."

Cisco patted Barry lightly on the back, "Or at least a way to stop him from turning into a mist. The Mist. Okay, that's his name. End of discussion."

Barry moved his body, trying to sit on the cot, "I have to get to the station."

Jackie yelped, putting a hand on his chest, Barry noticing the needle mark in her arms, "You should be resting."

"I have to talk to Joe."

"I'll go with you."

Barry held a hand up to Emily, "No. No, you stay here." Barry looked over at the group, "I'll be back... okay."

Jackie moved after him, "Barry-"


Jackie sat on the computer, running the DNA through the database, but still nothing. She turned to Cisco, "Did you find out the poison?"

"I did." Cisco nodded, "Jackie, search the DNA database, but for those who have died."

Jackie gave him an odd look, immediately finding a match, "Oh..."

Cisco looked at the screen, grabbing the mic, "Barry, Caitlin, you down there? You got to come look at this." Emily looked at the screen, her eyes flickering to Barry and Caitlin as they walked into the room. Cisco moved forward, "Hey, check this out. It's a 3D molecular model of the gas we retrieved from your lungs."

"We have identified the toxin." Dr. Wells states.

"Hydrogen cyanide?" Barry questions, glancing over at Jackie.

"What's interesting is what's mixed in with the cyanide..." Jackie pointed at the screen, "A sedative."

"Of course. The night of the explosion, find out if anyone was executed."

"Already did," Jackie states, walking back over to the computer. "That sedative is given to criminals on death row before they go to the gas chamber and breathe in hydrogen cyanide." She explains to the ones in the room who don't know what she's talking about.

Dr. Wells nodded at his daughter, proud that she remembered such details, "That's right."

Jackie pulls up the screen, "Kyle Nimbus."

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