Chapter 28

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Emily stood back, "My powers are kind of useless." Her arms were crossed as Barry practiced with the droid.

"How about mine? The only time I did any real damage was when I got mad at Barry."

"Yeah, that was scary by the way." Cisco points out, "You went all White Witch on him."

"I did-" Jackie scrunched in her face, "... not."

"Hmm." Cisco glanced back at her, but then moved back to Barry.

Jackie jumped when Barry was almost hit, "That was too close."

"He told me to make it hard." Cisco simply states with a small shrug of his shoulders.

Emily leaned against him, "Pretty sure he didn't tell you to make him dead."

"Remember, this is just supposed to be a training exercise to improve Barry's speed."

"Cisco, you gonna bring it or what?"

Cisco smirked over at Dr. Wells, waiting for an answer, "Bring it."

"Oh God." Jackie covered her face with her hand, releasing a loud groan. Her eyes scanned Barry as he ran from the rocket, but it hits the ground right behind him, making him fly into the air and fall. She took a small step forward, her hands gripping tight at her sides.

"Why isn't he running away?" Caitlin demanded when Barry suddenly turned to the droid attacking him. Emily glances over at Dr. Wells waiting for him to give some intellectual answer, but she was for sure she saw his leg move. "Barry, run away."

Emily is unable to continue looking at Dr. Wells when an explosion goes off in front of her. She turns back to see that Barry had thrown the rocket coming his way at Cisco's droid. She cringes, giving her boyfriend a side glance, she could see the annoyance on his face.

Jackie jogged over to him as he got near, "You good?"

"Yeah." Barry gives her a small nod, "I'm hungry."

"Of course you are." Jackie laughs, turning back, "It's a good thing we ordered all your food."

"Thank God." Barry breathes out, quickly going through all of the food.

Emily looks at the pile of burger boxes, "Holy crap."

"Very impressive, Mr. Allen. Your reaction to stimuli at super-speed continues to improve."

Barry stood up from his seat, arms crossing over his chest, "It's still not enough."

"It will be. You keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, and you will be ready the next time your man in the yellow suit comes around."

"I think you mean the reverse-Flash." Cisco looked at his friends, "What? He said it, not me. And he's right. Yellow suit, red lightning, and evil... the reverse of Barry."


Dr. Wells grins, "Actually, I kind of like it."

"All right, I'm still ready for another round. How many more drones do you have left?" Jackie released a long sigh, her head turning to Barry, but she didn't object with his training already knowing his answer if she did.

"Two. And they've got lasers."

"No." Jackie states, "Absolutely not."


Emily turned in a circle, looking at the whole room. "This is a lot of cars."

"Are you sure there's nothing missing?"

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