Chapter 23

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Emily groaned, sitting up from the medical bed, "Was I electrocuted?"

Jackie jumped from her seat, turning around, "Jesus." She put a hand over her heart, "Yeah, you've been in like a mini-coma for a few of days. I swear when Cisco-"

"Mi Ángel!" Cisco cries out, running over to her, engulfing Emily in a hug, "You're awake!"

Emily laughed, returning the hug, "What did I miss?"

"Not much." Jackie shrugs, "I mean, my hands better."

Caitlin looked at the screen, "Cisco, alarm."

Cisco slid into his seat, "Barry can handle this." He grabbed the mic, "Barry, bank robbery in progress at Cunningham and Sampere."

"Got it."

Jackie grinned, "Thank goodness my bank is in Starling."

"Once super thieves showed up, I went mattress."

"Smart." Emily mused, moving next to him, she stretched out her arms, "I never want to be hit with lightning again."

Barry was suddenly inside of S.T.A.R. Labs, "Emily, cool, I heard you were awake. Ready to get back on the job?"

"How'd you?"

"Your comms were on." Barry pointed out.

Emily nodded her head, "Let me get in something new, and you can carry me there because I am in no mood to use my powers right now."


Jackie smiled over at Barry, "Busy morning?"

"The busiest." Barry admits, "How's your hand?"

Jackie moves it around, "Good as new, but Caitlin did say to not strain it. So I can't punch any more bad guys."

Barry snorted in amusement, "Yeah, don't do that."

Emily walked back out, "Alright." She was in one of Caitlin's outfits, "I'm ready to go."

Barry nods, "Okay." He turns back to Jackie, "See you later."

"See ya, Barry."

Barry grabs Emily and flashes near the bank, Emily held onto the wall once he let her go. She groaned loudly, "Yeah, ugh, I regret not using my power."

"You asked." Barry shrugged.

"You and Jackie seemed to be all cozy."

Barry rolled his eyes, adjusting his shirt walking to the bank, "We're friends, Emily. I love her as much as I love you and Cisco and Caitlin."

"Hmm." Emily rose an eyebrow, "Sure."

"Don't use that tone with me."

Joe sees them, "Emily." He gives her a side hug, "Nice to see you back."

"Good to be awake."

Joe nears them, "You've had a busy morning. Witnesses reported seeing a red streak?"

"Joe, you should have seen it. It was like everybody in here was trying to kill each other. I got here just in time." Emily's eyes widen as she looked over at Barry.

"Well, it must've been a diversion, because there's 1/2 million bucks missing from the vault. There's a tracer in the cash stacks. We're trying to find the signal. Meantime, any idea what could've caused such mass... This?"

"A neurotoxin, maybe?" Emily mumbled, looking around the trashed building.

Barry pursed his lips, "I'm going to swab some surfaces, see what I can find, but I think maybe they got whammied."

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