Chapter 22

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Jackie looked up at the lights as they flickered, "Oh no." Just as she spoke all the lights went off. The ground shook, making Jackie put her hands on the desk.

"He's inside."

"Hide Emily." Jackie ordered, "She's can't run away, we need to get her somewhere he won't find her." Cisco nodded putting Emily somewhere else while she healed from the electrical shock.

Barry tried to phone Joe but it wasn't working, so he tried Singh, "Captain Singh, I've been trying to get in touch with Joe or anyone at the precinct." His face drops, "Wait-"

"What's going on?"

Barry put his phone in his pocket, "Joe and Iris are in trouble. I need my powers back now."

"I have a theory." Dr. Wells spoke up, "It's untested."

"I'm willing to roll the dice."

"Okay, you've lost your speed, yes, but nothing has changed inside you on a subatomic level. In other words, your cells are still primed."

Jackie looked at her father, "They just need a jump-start."

"Okay, how do we do that? How do we jumpstart me?"

"We need to replicate the initial jolt to your system."

Jackie shook her head, "But that would mean a peak current of at least 20,000 kilo-amps."

"Are you insane?" Caitlin questions, "That's more electricity than they give to people in the electric chair."

"Caitlin, with Farooq in the building, we're all looking at a death sentence here."

Cisco was already back in the room, only hearing part of the conversation, but he understood what was going on, "The spare generator's offline. If we reboot it, we could get a charge that big." Jackie glanced back at Barry, noticing how he was rubbing the back of his neck.

"We need something that can transmit the load from the generator to Barry's body without shorting out."

"The treadmill. My baby could take the charge."

"What if Barry can't?" Jackie suddenly asks, "He could die."

"Well, that's up to Mr. Allen."

Caitlin noticed Barry leaving, "Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna talk to him."

"Nope." Dr. Wells shook his head, "Nope."

"Okay, you didn't see him at the substation. He needed to feed. I got super speed out of the particle accelerator blast, but his best friends died. He woke up with a disease."

"Barry, he murdered someone." Jackie spoke silently, "You had to take photos of the victim today. How are you going to defend yourself? He could kill you too."

"He may just need help like I did. I don't need my powers to offer him that. I have to try."

"Then I'm going with you."

"No." Dr. Wells and Barry say at the same time.

"I still have my powers, I've got a chance to fend him off." Jackie walked up to Barry, "You're not going to him alone." Jackie moved past him, "You coming?"

Barry slowly walked with her, "You shouldn't have come with me."

Jackie breath shook, "And leave you defenseless? What kind of friend would I be?"

Barry took her hand, "You're freezing." He sighed, "You're afraid."

"Of course I'm afraid, Barry, who wouldn't be in this situation." Jackie tightened her hand in his, turning down another long hallway. She paused when Farooq appeared.

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