Chapter 5

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Everyone was sitting in the Cortex, waiting for Barry and Jackie to appear since they called for them to be in the cortex. Barry comes storming in, Jackie close behind, "We weren't the only ones affected by the particle accelerator explosion, were we?"

Dr. Wells moved his eyes over to his daughter briefly, before answering Barry, "We don't know for sure."

Jackie shook her head, "Dad, you said the city was safe, that there was no residual danger."

Emily moved away from Cisco, her eyes squinting at them, "But that's not true, so what really happened that night?"

"Well... The accelerator went active. We all felt like heroes, and then... It all went wrong. The dimensional barrier ruptured, unleashing unknown energies into our world." Barry, Emily, and Jackie all stare at the screen, "Antimatter, dark energy, x-elements..."

Barry twists his head back to look at Wells, "Those are all theoretical."

"And how theoretical are you three? We mapped the dispersion throughout and around Central City. Though we have no way of knowing exactly what or... Who was exposed, we've been searching for other meta-humans like yourselves."

Emily scrunched her face, "Meta-humans?"

Caitlin gave the three a nod, "That's what we're calling them."

Jackie faces them, eyes flickering to her father, "I saw one today. He's a bank robber, and he can control the weather."

Cisco became practically giddy at the mention of it, "This just keeps getting cooler."

Emily snapped at him, her flirtation disappearing at the sign of danger, "This is not cool."

Jackie shook her head rapidly, "A man died, Cisco."

"Mardon must have gotten his powers the same way I did. From the storm cloud. He's still out there. We have to stop him before he hurts anyone else." Barry turns his body around, getting ready to search for Mardon himself.

"Barry!" Dr. Wells stops him in his tracks, "That's a job for the police."

Emily stormed next to him, "We work for the police."

"As forensic assistants."

Barry glared, letting his emotions get the best of them, "You're responsible for this. For him."

"What's important is you! All of you! Not me. I lost everything. I lost my company. I lost my reputation. I lost my freedom." Jackie suddenly felt non-existent, feeling as if her father forgot she existed, that she wasn't important to him, "And then you broke your arm, and it healed in three hours. Inside your body could be a map to a whole new world... Genetic therapies, vaccines, medicines, treasures buried deep within your cells and we cannot risk losing everything because you want to go out and play hero! You're not heroes. You are just a young man who was struck by lightning. And you are just a girl who can hide."

Barry held multiple emotions in his eyes, unsure of what to say or even how to respond to that, he turned tail and left, Emily following behind him. Jackie stared at the spot where they once stood, her body didn't move but her head turned to look at them, "You-You guys are amazing, my family. Dad, but this... this is crossing the line. You are putting people at risk, you basically destroyed lives and all you can say to them is not to try and fix your mistakes."

Emily tried to chase after Barry, but he kept running. She concentrated hard, following him through the shadows, when Barry finally stopped she stumbled forward, hitting the wall on the roof of a building, "Barry!"

The man in the hood saw the familiar face and turned away, not wanting for his identity to be revealed. Barry glanced over at Emily, but turned his face back to Oliver, "I've spent my whole life searching for the impossible, never imagining that I would become the impossible."

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