Chapter 16

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Emily leaned against the table, a large smile plastered on her face as she looked up at Cisco, "You've really known Jackie since when now?"

"Like years." Cisco laughed, "I remember when we first met, she was working down in the lower lab, I had no clue she was there, and when I went down to grab something for Caitlin, there she was, tied upside down by her foot in wires."

Jackie snorted, "Yeah, and you didn't help me down until after we introduced each other."

Cisco laughed loudly, "It was so funny, she just nonchalantly said hello."

Emily giggled, leaning against the table, covering her mouth as she laughed, "What happened?"

"I introduced myself back as if she wasn't hanging from the ceiling." Cisco grinned, drinking his alcohol.

Barry walked up to them, putting all the shots on the table, "Guys? I have a problem."

Cisco looked over at Eddie, slurping his drink loudly, "We all do when guys like him exist."

"Yeah." Caitlin says dreamily, "He's so hot."

Jackie coughed on her water, "Caitlin."

Caitlin's back shot up straight, "Uh, I mean, genetically speaking. Because I'm a geneticist, of course. Oh, my God, do I sound like Felicity?"

"I'm not talking about Eddie. I'm talking about this." Barry zooms the shots down, all five, "I can't feel anything."

Jackie points down at the glasses, "Yeah, that's usually what happens when you drink too much."

"No, the alcohol is not affecting me." Barry explains, looking between his four friends, "I mean I literally feel nothing."

"It's your hyper-metabolism. I need a sample." Caitlin says completely full of excitement.

Cisco turned on his seat, "I'll get more shots."

"I swear, I had a Vacutainer here."

Emily gave Caitlin a funny look, her eyebrows scrunched together, "Wait, you carry a blood collection kit in your purse?"

"You have your hobbies."

Jackie giggled at Caitlin, "And your hobby is collecting blood samples?"

"Shut up."

Cisco came over with about ten shots, "Okay, let's get this going." He moved the shots in front of everyone at the table.

Jackie looked down at it, pushing it away from her, "Cisco, you know that I'm allergic."

"Yes, but I wanted to test something." Cisco pulled out her EpiPen, "But just in case."

"Test..." Jackie nodded, realizing what he meant, "You think that because of my abilities I'll be able to heal myself."

"Yes." Cisco moved the glass to her, "Bottoms up everyone." Everyone took their drinks and downed it quickly, Jackie had recoiled at the taste, scrunching up her features, but not feeling her throat close up. Cisco looked at her, "You're not dead!"

Jackie coughed, "It tastes nasty, why do you guys drink this stuff?"

Emily laughed, "She's good."

Barry took down another drink, and then another, and then another, and another. Cisco looked at him, "Still nothing?"

"I can't get drunk. I mean, I'm only 25, and my drinking days are already over."

Eddie and Iris walked over, "Come on, Allen, you're up." Eddie's phone buzzes, his eyes move to the screen, "There was a bombing on 8th and pass. I got to go, babe."

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