Chapter 6

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Jackie tapped at the tablet, looking over at Emily, who had multiple cords connected to her body. She moved across the room, wondering where Cisco was, while Caitlin and she worked to figure out the extent to Emily's powers. "Okay, Emily." Jackie was speaking over the com since Emily was in a room to hold all her energy, she was in a room with a one-way mirror, so there was not light seeping through to the room, "So, we believe you can not only teleport using the shadows but manipulate shadows. We need you to concentrate, there is dark energy emitting off of you, if you can learn to control it, then we can see the extent of your powers."

Emily looked around the dark, blank room, pretty much tugging at the cords on her skin. Caitlin moved the mic to her, "Don't pull those off, it's allowing me to read how much your body can take."

"Oh." Emily raised her hands to release them, "Okay."

Jackie sighs, sitting down in her seat, wondering where Cisco went, "Where is Cisco?"

Caitlin glanced around, "Probably messing with that suit he made Emily."

"It's a swimsuit." Jackie mumbled, moving back to the mic, "Okay, tell us what you feel? What do you feel?"

Emily looked around and could just shrug, "I don't know, I feel alone."

Caitlin pursed her lips, "The cords should stay attached to you, so try teleporting to another part of that room, then tell us what you feel."

Emily looked skeptically at the wall, at her own reflection, but she knew that they could see her, "I'll try..." She moved closer to the mirror, feeling a tingling sensation run through her body, it didn't hurt, but at the same time it did, "Uh, my body feels numb, I guess. Like when your foot goes numb and you press it against something and it just... tingles?"

Jackie glanced at Caitlin, "Uh, well, try doing something with the shadows, like try to move them, get them to do what you want?"

"How on earth...?" Emily tapped her foot against the ground, shutting her eyes and trying to concentrate.

Jackie looked until suddenly she couldn't see anymore, "Uh, Emily, what did you do?"

Emily peeked through her eyes, her mouth dropping open, "I moved the shadows to create a wall."

"So you made a shield?" Jackie questions, noticing how Caitlin had walked out of the room in search for Cisco, "Maybe we can like, throw something at it..."

"To see what happens?" Emily dropped the shield, looking at the wall, "Turn the lights on."

Jackie pushed her chair back and flicked the switch on. She stood from her seat and walked into the room with Emily, who had covered her face from the bright light, "Okay, maybe we can-"

"I think I've had enough tests for today." Emily groans out, pulling at the cords, "Please get these off."

Jackie laughed, the sounds of her boot heels clanking against the tiled floor, she popped the cords off her as if it was the easiest thing in the world to do, "Caitlin ran off to find Cisco, come on, he most likely got in trouble for helping Barry."


Jackie grins at her, "I know Cisco, he is helping Barry save the day."

Emily and Jackie walk into the room as Caitlin leans down to the mic, Cisco sitting in his chair, with a lollipop, "Barry, it's Caitlin."

"Hey! Caitlin... How's your day?"

Caitlin frowns, "Get back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Now."

"On my way."

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