Chapter 13

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Emily texted Jackie as she walked behind Joe and Barry, Jackie had gone over to STAR labs to tell them about her ability, and to test it, while Emily still had work to do. Joe opened up a binder full of the all convicted men, "So look through these mug shots of Central City's most wanted, and see if you can find our guy."

Barry had already zoomed through the photos, his finger pointing to the culprit, "That's him."

"Damn." Joe puffs out, "Leonard Snart."

"Leonard?" Barry queries, "That's almost as bad as Bartholomew."

Emily pursed her lips, "Where have I heard that name before?"

Joe glanced back at her, but kept talking with Barry, "Snart ain't sexy, either. Snart's father was a cop... Was a bad cop. Took his anger out on his kids until he went to prison."

"Snart's dad's in prison too?" Barry drones, "We should start a club."

"He shows up, like, every six months. He cases a job for weeks before he makes his move. Then, he does the job... Gets away. He was even bailed out of prison during his transfer."

Barry gives Joe a grin, "That's before The Streak was around."

Emily looked over at Barry, "B-Barry, did you just refer to yourself in the third person?"

"I referred to The Streak, which I'm pretty sure I can top. I've been thinking of a new name. And one for Em too. Hers could be The Phantom since she's all mysterious. And me. What do you think about The Fla-"

"Coffee break!" Iris slides in quickly, holding coffees up for them, Barry and Emily took one with a smile, "Thought I would bring Central City's finest Java over to Central City's finest."

"Thanks. I'm off caffeine." He pats Barry on the back before retreating to his work.

Emily rose an eyebrow, glancing at Iris, "What?"

"My dad's been mad at me every since I told him about me and Eddie."

Barry looked over at her, "No, you mean he's mad at you because you didn't tell him."

"Uh, first, that sounds like you're taking his side, and second, do you know how he does this whole, 'I'm not talking to you, but I have a whole bag full of judgmental looks I'm gonna try out on you later'," Iris says, following Emily and Barry up the stairs.

"Yeah, I've been on the receiving end of those a few times."

"Same here." Emily mused, "Sometimes I forget Joe's not actually my father."

"Speaking of communications, or lack thereof, after all of these journalism classes, I got an idea," Iris says fulls of excitement.


"I started a blog." Iris beams happily at the two.

Emily snorted, "All right, what's it about? Your brownie obsession? 'Cause, you know, you probably shouldn't broadcast that."

"No, something important. Something that Central City needs to know about, The Streak and The Shadow. They're out there, you guys. Rumor has it, they stopped an armed car robbery earlier. I was hoping that I could take a look at the file, and-"

Barry flew his hand up, laughing nervously, walking around Iris, "What? I'm not at liberty to discuss an ongoing police investigation with you."

Emily snorted in amusement, "Boy."

"Since when, Mister Blabbermouth?"

"Take it from someone who's been investigating the impossible since they were 11. Blogging about this is only gonna bring the crazies to your front door. Right, Emily?"

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