Chapter 21

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Jackie was no longer in a cast but she was simply wrapped up in gauze. She walked past Cisco and Emily, being all cutesy in the corner, "You two are gross."

"Uh, no we are not." Cisco objects, "We are adorable, and you are just jealous 'cause you missed out on all of this."

Jackie shook her head, pursing her lips, "Hmm, I don't think I missed out on anything."

"Where's Barry?" Her father questions, rolling into the room, "He's late."

Caitlin smiles at him, "Late is kind of his signature move."

"Hey, you guys want to see my signature move?"

"I've already seen it, honey." Emily says patting his chest, "Hey, so I've been thinking about dying my hair. What color?"

Jackie glances over at her, "I think you'd look good as a blonde."


Barry suddenly appeared at the doorway, "Sorry, guys, I got a little held up." Everyone stared at him blankly, "You had to be there."

Dr. Wells held a stoic expression as he spoke, "I'm gonna need a moment or two alone with Barry." Caitlin basically runs out of the room, along with Jackie who gave Barry a look.

Cisco jumped off the table, "Ooh, you're in trouble." Emily covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing as she walked into the cortex.

Jackie sat back down at the computer, "I hate having this on my hand."

"Maybe you shouldn't have clocked Tony then." Emily shrugs, pulling her hair into a ponytail.

Caitlin smiled at Jackie, "You should be able to take it off soon. I'll recheck it later."

"How soon?" Jackie asks, "Because this is my writing hand and being off of work kind of sucks."

"You like working with criminals?" Cisco queries, turning his head her way.

"Well, no, but it's interesting to see how they react. Like some of these people I speak with aren't that bad."

"Aren't that bad?" Emily raises an eyebrow, "One of your clients was Leonard Snart, and might I add, he had a thing for you."

Jackie immediately cringes in her seat, "I don't need to be reminded."

"Remind her again."

"Fuck off, Cisco."

"What are you gonna do?" Cisco teased, "Give me a brain freeze?"

Jackie rose an eyebrow, creating a flame in her right hand, "I mean I learned how to do this."

"Oh, hell no." Cisco pointed at her, "Do not put that anywhere near me."

"Afraid I'll singe your hair?"

Barry walked out of the room, "Emily, homicide. We're needed."

"Alright." Emily gave Cisco a small kiss on the cheek, "I'll see you later."

"Y-yeah," Cisco says in a daze, waving goodbye to her.

Caitlin and Jackie share a look, then grinned over at Cisco, "Look who's in love."

"Hey." Cisco pointed at them, "You both know how my love life goes. This is the longest time a girl has shown interest in me."

Jackie nodded her head, "How long have you known her?"

"Does the nine months in her coma count?" Cisco questions, tilting his head up in thought.


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