Chapter 34

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Emily appeared in the room, her body was covered in soot when Barry flashed in, covering in soot as well, "Looks like we both got something fire related tonight."Barry released a laugh, quickly getting out of his suit and putting it on the display. Emily grabbed her stack of clothes and walked out of the room and into the changing room Cisco made for Emily and Jackie if she decides to superhero it up.

"Dude. That was insane. I mean, even I'm having a hard time getting mad at you for dirtying up my suit." Jackie walked in, as Barry twirled in the chair, Cisco cleaning the suit up.

"Okay, when are we going to start considering it my suit?"

Cisco paused, glancing down at him, "I'd be comfortable calling it our suit."

"Our suit." Jackie snorts, making air quotations, making Barry chuckle her way.

Caitlin smiled over at them, "Tonight was the fastest you've ever run."

"Yes, your training is paying off. That couple is alive tonight because of you." Dr. Wells was proud of how much progress Barry was making.

"I can still get faster." Barry had stood up from his seat, putting his hands on his hips, "I know I can."

"And you will." Jackie points at him as her phone buzzes, a text from Brandon, but she told him she was busy tonight, "I'm sure of it."

Dr. Wells nodded in agreement with his daughter, "But for today, I'd say you've fulfilled your save quota. Proper rest is what you need, as do we all."

"Better yet." Cisco smiles, giving Emily a side hug as she hands him her suit and cloak, "What we all need is a proper drink. Who's up for a round?"

"Oh." Jackie's head shot up, "We can't."

She nodded her head to Barry, who gave a nod to Cisco, "Yeah, it's movie night with Joe."

"Okay." Emily dragged on the end of her word, watching as Barry and Jackie left, before she clicked her tongue, "What about you?"

Caitlin gave them a quick glance, "I think I'll pass."

Cisco looked at Emily before walking closer to Caitlin, "You okay?"

"I was looking for my tablet at your work station, and I found this." Caitlin lifted up the tablet to reveal the screen, F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. was plastered on it.

Cisco cringed, "I can explain." He rubbed the back of his neck, "I know you said we should stop looking for Ronnie, so I... didn't stop looking for Ronnie."


"Hartley. He said he knew what happened to Ronnie."

Caitlin sighed, raising an eyebrow to him, "Oh, Hartley Rathaway, who is currently locked up in our super-villain basement jail for going psycho with sound waves?"

Emily pursed her lips, "Yeah, he's made bad life choices, there is no argument there."

"But-" Cisco turned to Emily, then back to Caitlin, "I looked into what he was saying and-"

"Cisco. Ronnie's gone, and it's time for me to move on with my life."

Emily crossed her arms, "Doesn't seem like it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Emily sighed, "Look, I'm no expert on love." Cisco made an offended sound in the background, "Despite my relationship with Cisco, but I think in order for you to move on from Ronnie, you actually have to move on."


Jackie walked beside Joe, "Yes, he was one of my patients." She handed him his folder, "There weren't many psychological problems with him. His main problem was running with a horrible crowd and having to owe loan sharks, gangs, etc."

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