Chapter 26

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Emily hugged everyone goodbye, "I will see you all tomorrow, I promised Felicity I'd drop by in Starling but I did say I would be here for Christmas."

"I insisted." Cisco pops up, a little giddy.

"Yeah." Emily looked at Jackie, "No crazy parties in the apartment."

"What? I can't party?" Jackie joked, she laughed, "Say hi to Team Arrow for me."

"I will." Emily waved to everyone before leaving S.T.A.R. Labs, using her powers so she got to Starling faster

Cisco put a hand on his heart, "I miss her already." He twisted over to Caitlin, "Look what I got her."

Caitlin looked down at the small box, "I swear to god if that is an engagement ring I'm going to hit you."

"What?" Cisco pulled the box away from Caitlin, "No, it's way too early to be thinking of marriage." He popped it open, "I think it's time we move in together."

Caitlin lifted the key, releasing a laugh, "You even got the key customized for her. Is that a puppy on it?"

"Yeah, she calls me her puppy," Cisco says with a wide grin on his face.

Jackie sat down in the corner, staring blankly at them. Christmas used to be one of her favorite holidays. She used to wear thousands of Christmas sweaters, sing holiday songs with her parents, her favorite was decorating the tree, her parents would always save the star for her. Her dad would lift her high up, allowing her to put it right on top. But all of that was shattered after her mother died. Christmas was so close to her death, her father didn't even speak to her. She was left with her grandparents, who did not like to celebrate Christmas.

"Merry Christmas." Jackie blinked out of her daze at the sound of Barry's voice, he was handing presents to everyone, he smiled over at Jackie as he placed the small box on her lap, "Just a small token of my gratitude-"


"-For everything you guys have done for me this year. I have on for Emily too, so-" Barry set it down on the table.

Dr. Wells gave him a tight smile, "I think I speak on behalf of my colleagues when I say you've been a gift for us, Barry." Jackie stared down at the bright blue box, all tied up with a white bow. Her hands held onto it tightly, small tears forming in her eyes.

Caitlin noticed the thermos in his hand, "What's that?"

"This is compliments of Iris. Grandma Esther's famous eggnog."

Cisco nodded, "Yeah, now that, is what I'm talking about."

Dr. Wells nods at Barry, "Maybe later for me. Wouldn't want to drink and drive."

Barry turned to Caitlin as he left the room, "Did I say something wrong?"

Caitlin shook her head, "No."

"No man-" Cisco went to speak until he noticed Jackie crying, "Oh no, no no no. Jackie." He went over to her, "Come on, Jackie. This was your favorite holiday."

"Yeah, I know." Jackie stood up, giving Barry a small smile, "Thank you for the gift." She wiped her tear, "I'm sorry. I-I'll see you later."

Barry followed her, "Jackie-" Cisco grabbed his arm, shaking his head, "What did I do?"

"Nothing." Cisco says, "This... this used to be their favorite time of year, but the accident happened before Christmas, so... Kind of ruined the holidays."

"I'm gonna go get them a present. Maybe that'll cheer them up." Caitlin says, she turned to Barry, "Thank you very much."

Jackie kept walking, but her father stopped her, "Jacqueline."

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