Chapter 14

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Jackie was going through inventory, tapping her foot as she checked off everything in storage, her head moved up, pausing, she moved open the locker, seeing nothing inside of it, "Oh God..."

Her father rolled in, "How is the inventorying going?"

"Something is missing." Jackie states, "It says cold gun."

Jackie watched as her father's face dropped into complete anger, she moved to the com in the room, "Everyone, down at inventory, now." Emily and Caitlin walked in before Cisco, moving quickly to Jackie when they saw Dr. Wells. Cisco came down, a smile on his face, but it immediately changed once he saw Dr. Wells' expression, he moved over looking down at the empty locker, "How long has it been missing?"

"I don't know," Cisco says barely above a whisper.

"I'm gonna ask you again, Cisco. But when I do, I expect a more specific answer than 'I don't know.' Now, how long has this weapon been gone?" Jackie recognized this voice, her father never used it when she was younger, but since the accident, he became much darker.

"A day, maybe two." Cisco answered slowly, "One of the janitors didn't show up for work this morning. He was probably the one who took it. I didn't think that-"

Dr. Wells slams the locker door shut, making the ones in the room jump slightly, "You didn't think because if you had, you would have discussed with me first your desire to build something that could, in theory, hurt anyone, and in particular, Barry Allen."

"I'm sorry." Cisco forces out, "If you just let me explain-"

"You know how I feel about weapons, cisco. They do not belong in S.T.A.R. Labs. Now, you are gonna figure out a way to locate this gun, and you are gonna do it right now." Dr. Wells slowly left the room, the eery silence eating away at everyone inside.

Caitlin glanced over at Cisco, "This thing you built... what can it do?"

"Bad stuff."

Jackie's head shot up at the sound of the alarm, "Emily go." Emily ran out of the room, to see where she was headed. Jackie turned to Cisco, her hands shoved in her pockets, "Come on, I hate this room now."

Emily was suddenly in the museum, looking over at Joe, "Detective West." She ran over to him, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, now go help him."

"Time for a test run." Emily turned her head to see Snart, "Let's see how fast you run."

Emily searched around for a shadow she could move to, she teleported to another corner of the room, pushing the citizens out of the way and behind a wall from the blast. Her head moved up to see Barry panting, and noticed the blast mark on his suit. She stood up, looking past the wall at Snart, who seemed to have all his attention on Barry. Before she could move forward to get Snart, his gun pointed at the man in the auditorium. Barry zoomed for him and Emily teleported as fast as she could to him, neither of them made it. Emily kneeled over to the man, "No."

Barry hit the ground, "No!"


"It's still numb." Barry groans out, lifting his shirt for Caitlin to see.

Caitlin nodded, "It's presenting itself like third degree frostbite."

Felicity's gaze flickered between Caitlin and Jackie, "I thought he had hyper healing."

"It's been slowed." Jackie answered her, she moved around so Barry could see her, but saw how his gaze moved down slightly, "If your cells weren't regenerating at the rate they are, your blood vessels would have frozen solid and the nerve damage would have been permanent."

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