Chapter 17

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Jackie was in the back room, folding the extra clothes that Barry and Emily had left in the lab, while Barry was out in search for the metahuman, he left Emily again, mainly because it was sunny outside and too much sun caused Emily to feel drowsy and lightheaded. Her head moved up and she screamed when Barry was suddenly in the room, only in dark blue boxers, "BARRY!"

"J-Jackie!" Barry covered himself up, "Uh-"

Jackie turned around, pointing at the pile of folded clothes, "There, they're right there."


Emily looked at Cisco, tapping the com, "Barry?"

"Can you hear me? Barry?"

Caitlin looked at the two worried friends, "There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for why he's not answering."

Jackie and Barry appeared in the room, Barry pulling a t-shirt on. Emily rose an eyebrow, "Barry?"

"Uh... Don't ask."

Cisco looked between the two, before looking stern, "I'm gonna ask. Where's my suit?"


"What do you mean, it's gone? What did you do with my suit?"

"It blew up, dude. I managed to get out of it before it went, 'kaboom'."

Cisco's mouth dropped, "My suit... went kaboom?"

"Fun fact about Bette Sans Souci. She's not carrying bombs. She touched the emblem on the suit and turned it into a bomb. She's a meta-human." Barry says, not making it sound very fun.

Dr. Wells rolled in, "With the ability to cause spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact."

"She blew up my suit." Cisco pouted to Dr. Wells.

Emily looked over at him, "You have like three more."

"Okay, I have two. And I loved that one." Cisco says to his girlfriend.

Barry sighs, looking at them, "All right, what else do we know about her?"

"Oh, I don't know. She's pure evil. We're gonna find this girl and send her butt into the pipeline. No one blows my tech to smithereens and gets away with it... Unless she looks like that." Emily slaps Cisco hard on the back of his head, "Sorry, angel."

"I don't think she meant to hurt me."

"Well, her being a meta-human explains General Eiling's interest in her."

Joe came in the room, briefcase in hand, "And why he stole the case from us. He didn't want anyone to know what she could do."


"Doctor." Joe turned his attention back to the rest, "So human bomb? Must be Tuesday in Central City."

"Yes, and General Eiling's not one to give up a potential asset without a fight."

Barry crossed his arms over his chest, "We have to find her before he does."

"Barry, could I see you for a sec?"

Jackie ran her hand down her face, walking into the other room, Emily skipping after her, "Sooooooo."

Jackie held up a hand, sitting down, looking obviously tired, she sat on a stool, "What now?"

"Was he naked?"

Jackie fell off the stool, her butt hitting the ground with a loud thud, "Was he-was he what now?"

"Naked." Emily repeated slowly, "You were obviously flustered when you walked in with Barry."

"He was just in his underwear." Jackie heaved out, pulling herself off the floor, she held her head, feeling a headache coming on.

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