Chapter 32

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Jackie looked at the screen, "I'll guide Emily, dad, you got Barry?"

"I always do."

Jackie grabbed the comm, "Okay, Em, this isn't a chase like Barry."

"You don't think I know that!? I'd rather be doing the chase. Not dealing with a burning building."

Jackie rolled her eyes, "Yeah, well, too bad. The top floor is collapsing, you need to get whoever is in there out."

"There's too much light inside. It won't let me in."

Jackie tapped her fingers against the table, "You're own shadow."


"Try using your own shadow." Jackie stated, "Imagine the embodiment of your own shadow moving up there, rather than you searching for a shadow."

"I'll try."

Jackie's head twists back to the screen, "Hurry." She kept her eyes on the monitor and threw her hands up when Emily was able to use her own shadow to get her up at the top.

"Can you tell how many other's are in here?"

Jackie concentrated on the building, using her own powers to search for people's body temperature, "Six more, third floor."

"On it."

Jackie cheered when Emily got them all out, "Great job." Emily appeared next to Jackie with a large grin when Barry came running in.

Cisco gave them both high fives, "Give me some!" Emily gave him a small kiss on the cheek rather than a high five.

"Efficiently done."

"We need a picture." Cisco runs on in search of his phone.

Jackie snorted in amusement, "I'm pretty sure rule number one on having a secret identity is not taking pictures of yourself in your super suit without your masks on."

Emily laughed, setting her mask down on the table, "Let him have his fun."

"See! Em, agrees." Cisco cried out, "Oh, come on, please! This is just for us. This is to document all this."

Dr. Wells sighed, but gave in to Cisco, "Who knows? Maybe people in the future will want to know how all this happened."

"All right, well, if you want the future to have the whole story, then, we all need to be in it," Barry says to the whole group.

Jackie opened her mouth, "Uh, no, I think I'm-"

"You." Barry pointed at her with both of his hands, "Are not getting out of this."

Caitlin stood up from her seat, "First, let me put on some makeup?"

"The future does not care about your makeup." Cisco pointed out.

"Besides." Emily adds, draping an arm around her, "You look gorgeous."


Barry held up the phone, "Okay." He smiled at them, "Okay. Big smiles. Three... two... one. Ha!"

Jackie grinned at how he used his speed, "Does that count as a selfie?"

"Absolutely," Barry answers, handing Cisco his phone back.

Cisco laughs at the photo, "Sick. It came out good, you can even see some lightning from where Barry moved next to Jackie."

Jackie looked at her phone, "Oh, Barry. Tell Joe that I'll be coming home late."

Glad You Came | The Flash 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora