Chapter 19

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Jackie woke up abruptly, startling Barry from his slumber. He rolled off the table, falling onto the ground with a loud groan. Jackie rubbed her head, looking over at him, "Shit, sorry."

Barry laughed, "I had a hangover for a slight second. Then it went away."

"I feel like shit. Why did you get me to drink?"

Barry snorted, pulling himself up from the floor, "You didn't have to."

"Yeah, but I didn't want you to feel left out." Jackie teased, messing with her tangled hair, she dropped her hands to her lap, releasing a yawn, "It's still dark out."

Barry stretched his arms, looking at the time, "Yeah, we better head home."

Jackie looked down at her phone, "Iris posted-" Her hair flew past her face, a breeze flowing past her, "Okay, then." She forces herself to get up, she trudges into one of the extra rooms in the Lab, knowing her father had them there. Jackie searches through the clothes to find a S.T.A.R. Labs sweater and one of Caitlin's skirts. She shrugged, folding them beside her and fell asleep on the bed.

She only got a few hours of sleep when she heard a crash come from the cortex. She jumped out of bed, throwing on the sweater and pulling the skirt on. She ran out only to find Barry on the floor, holding his hand and groaning.

"Barry!" Jackie yells, she slid over next to him, "What happened?"

Barry looked up at her before turning his head over, blood streaming from his mouth. Jackie's eyes widen, she moves his head slightly but flinches when the blood touches her skin. She turns when she hears people come in.

"Barry?" Cisco questions, his eyes moving from Jackie to him.

Caitlin quickly runs over, kneeling next to him, "Barry, are you okay?"

Cisco blinked, "Uh, what-"

Jackie lifted his arms over her shoulder, "Help me get him up on the medical bed."

Caitlin looked over at Jackie, "Do you know what happened?"

"No, I was sleeping here and he just appeared."

Her father tilted his head, "Why were you sleeping here?"

"I made Barry alcohol." Jackie admits, "And I had some too and decided to crash here. I texted Emily."

"Emily!" Cisco yelped, "I'll text her now."

Caitlin set her hands down on Barry, searching up and down for anything broken, when she reached his hand and wrist she immediately pulled away, "Oh. Jackie would you find me a hand brace, the one for each finger."

"He broke his hand."

"Kind of shattered it, but the bones are healing slowly." Caitlin states, "Now get me the brace."

Jackie jumped when Emily suddenly appeared in the shadow area next to her, "Why?!"

Emily ignored the frightened Jackie and ran to Barry's side, "What on Earth happened?"

Caitlin gave her a small shrug, taking the brace from Jackie and putting it on Barry, who stirred away, "Barry, I'm gonna put you in the CT scan." After a few minutes, he was being fixed by Caitlin, "13 fractures. That's a new record, and that's just in your hand. You also have a concussion, three cracked ribs, and a bruised spleen. Even with your powers, you'll need a few hours to heal."

"What did you even hit that caused that?" Emily questions, leaning next to Cisco.

"A man." Barry breathes out, "A big, bad man. His skin changed when I hit him. Like, it turned to metal."

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