Chapter 35

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Jackie tapped her fingers against the table as Caitlin treated Barry's injury. Caitlin gave Jackie a side glance, "This is a bullet wound." Her attention moved back to Barry, "You're lucky it just barely broke the skin."

"Guess I'm a lot faster than a speeding bullet." Barry joked but noticed the stern expression he received from Caitlin and the worried look from Jackie. He shuffled his jacket on, noticing Dr. Wells come into the room, "Shawna Baez. She can teleport."

Caitlin turned from her work, raising an eyebrow, "As in, Beam me up, Shawna?"

"Yes, of course. Quantum entanglement." Jackie clapped her hands together, finally understanding the metahuman ability, she noticed the expression she was getting from everyone else, so she explained it, "The ability to manipulate interconnected particles over an infinite distance."

Her father smiled from his chair, "Or, as Einstein put it, spooky action at a distance."

"Every time I got close, she'd disappear." Barry tells them, "It was like we were playing a game of-"

"Peek-a-boo." Everyone turned to look at Caitlin, "Come on. Can't I name one?"

Barry gave her a grin, before facing Dr. Wells again, "How am I supposed to catch her if I don't know where she's gonna be?"

"Everybody has limits, Mr. Allen. Now that we know Shawna's powers, we'll focus on those limits."

"Alright." Barry put his hands on his head, "Let me know. I'm gonna change. I gotta go help Iris."

Jackie rose an eyebrow, "Help her with what exactly?"

Barry's eyes widen, bumping into something when he turned to face her, "Uh, you know, stuff... things."

"Okay." Jackie grabbed her files from the table, "Hmm, don't ruin her relationship with Eddie."

"I won't." Barry flashed out of the room, leaving the two females alone.

Caitlin set her medical equipment down, "He will."

Jackie laughed, walking next to her, "Want help tonight?"

Caitlin held up all the data, "That would be great."


A few hours into the work, Jackie had her reading glasses on as she scrolled through the data pad. She heard Caitlin's phone ringing, "Hey, Caitlin, phone."

"Got it. It's Barry." Caitlin turned the speaker on, "Hey, you're on speaker, Jackie's here."

"What bars did Shawna and Clay frequent?"

Jackie scrunched her eyebrows together, giving Caitlin a shrug. Caitlin bit on her lip, "Uh, mostly south side dive bars. Why?"

"I was just gonna check 'em out. See if they fall into any old habits."

Jackie pursed her lips, "Yeah, that's a good idea."

Caitlin suddenly grinned, "How 'bout we join you?"

"Yeah." Barry hung up on the other end.

Jackie stared over at Caitlin, "Did you say we?"

"Yeah." Caitlin's grin moved to Jackie, this sparkle in her eyes, "Let's go."

"When have you ever gone clubbing?"

Caitlin pushed her off the stool, "Let's go." She paused, "Wait, let's get dressed."

"Caitlin, I don't really want-"

"You're going. You need nights out just as much as I do."

"I go out."

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