Chapter 31

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(Introducing Allyn Carter, who is part of my Legends of Tomorrow Fanfic)

Jackie sat at her desk, giggling down at her phone. Emily and Cisco stop talking to each other and look over at her. Then back at each other, and then over to Caitlin, who gave them a shrug.

Barry noticed this small exchange and decided to ask her himself, "Hey, what's got you in such a good mood?"

"I've..." Jackie twirled in her chair to face them, "I've got a... date!"

"A date?" Barry's expression faltered ever so slightly.

Emily and Cisco glance at one another at Barry's tone a voice, while Caitlin pursed her lips, turning back to her work. Emily stood up, sauntering over, "With whom?"

"His name is Brandon." Jackie gushed, "We met at Jitters a few days ago. I spilled my coffee on him."

"Oh." Cisco smirked, "The number one romantic movie moment."

"Romantic... movie..." Barry mumbled under his breath.

"Cute." Emily clapped her hands together, "Is he attractive? What color are his eyes? What about his hair? Do you know how tall he is? Or maybe his foot size? Or-"

"Foot size?" Cisco scrunches his eyebrows together, not understanding why that was an important question to know the answer to.

"Yeah." Emily looked at him dumbfounded, she neared him whispering what it meant, making his mouth drop open, and his eyes moved down to his own feet.

"Oh my God." Barry rolled his eyes.

Jackie looked over at him, "Are you okay, Barry?"

"Yeah." Barry gave her a tight smile, "I'm glad you got yourself a date."

"Excuse me."

Caitlin jumped when the voice came from right next to her, but she didn't see anyone. "You guys heard that too, right?"

"Please. I need your help."

Cisco shot his hands up, "Where? Where is that coming from?"

Jackie concentrated on the room, using her powers to detect heat signature, she blinked when there was someone standing next to Caitlin. She pointed, "There."

"There's no one standing there."

"I'm right here." The woman spoke again.

Jackie got up from her seat, putting a hand on the shoulder, where she could see the heat signature from, she jumped back, "Someone's there."

Emily poked the spot, feeling something as well, "Oh, what the fu-"

"Allen, Smoak, it's me."

Barry scrunched his eyebrows together, "Who?"

"Allyn?" Emily questions, "Is that... you?"

"Yes!" Allyn cried out, "I-I've gone invisible."

"Cool!" Cisco cried out, "I'm so running tests."

Caitlin smacked him over the head, "I'm going to run some tests." She smiled to the area where they for certain knew that she was there, "If you could follow me, let's see if we can get you to reappear again."

"Thank you."

Once Allyn and Caitlin were out of the room, Jackie looked at Barry and Emily, "Allyn Carter? The woman who used to have my job at the precinct?"

"Yeah." Emily responded slowly, "She quit right after the explosion. Could it have been because she became a metahuman?"

Dr. Wells rolled in, "Well, we'll find that out once Dr. Snow is done with her tests."

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