Chapter 10

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Jackie smiled next to Caitlin as she looked around the precinct. Barry turned to them, "Welcome to the CCPD."

"So this is your day job?" Caitlin continues to look at the place.

"Mm-hmm. It's also Jackie's day job now too."


"I'm gonna rip out your hearts and eat 'em for lunch."

Caitlin and Jackie looked at the convict, "Delightful."

"Lab rat, I need prints off this gun, pronto." A woman handed a bagged gun to Barry.

"Allen! Where the hell is the fiber analysis on the Orloff case?" Jackie and Caitlin glance at each other, then back at Barry, who seemed to be getting embarrassed.

"Upstairs. It's all finished. I can just run up and bring it down."

"With you, that could be three days from now. I'll go with you." Captain Singh began to follow Barry, he gave a nod of acknowledgment to Jackie, then noticed Caitlin, "Who are you?"

"Dr. Caitlin Snow, Emily and Barry's personal physician."

"The fiber analysis for the Orloff case, like you asked for, sir." Barry handed him the papers, but Jackie's eyes skimmed the room, noticing all the papers scattered everywhere.

Captain Singh seemed to notice as well, "Clean up your lab. It's a mess."

Barry rolls his eyes, moving off further into his lab. Jackie laughed with Caitlin, "You can never get a break can you?"



Emily followed close behind Cisco and Dr. Wells, she couldn't help but look around the room. She was fascinated by everything, but she kept moving her gaze to Cisco. He would flirt with her and she would flirt back, but he made no move. Dr. Wells opened one of the doors, revealing the inside of the particle accelerator, "The copper in the tube is arranged to form cavities, and we can use those cavities as containment cells." He explained to Emily, "Of course, we'll have to design them to counteract meta-human abilities, but... might just work. First, we have to decouple the main injection system on the gantry level. I'll be right back."

Cisco looked over at Dr. Wells, not wanting to be in the accelerator, "How about I do that?"

Dr. Wells grinned, "I need the exercise."

Emily noticed Cisco's weary behavior, "Hey, are you okay?"

"I kind of hate it down here." Cisco rubbed his arm, looking at the machinery, "It makes me feel... like I'm back at that night."

"I was here that night too." Emily mumbles, "But I was never this close to the explosion."

"There was an anomaly in the core chamber." Cisco explained, "The structural integrity obvious held, but it started this chain reaction. The system was collapsing and the only way to shut it down was manually from inside."

"Cisco... You don't have to talk about it if it's too painful." She put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Cisco placed his hand above hers, "I know... Ronnie and I went down here..."

"Ronnie... Caitlin's fiancee..."

Cisco covered his face, "Ronnie was inside during the blast." He was breaking down, shedding his walls, "He had me lock the doors to protect everyone, but I couldn't help him. And because of me... he-"

Emily wrapped her arms around him in a hug, "It's not your fault Cisco, you couldn't stop what was going to happen." Dr. Wells rolled back in, but Emily held a hand up to keep him quiet. Dr. Wells waited until Cisco had control of his tears. Emily pulled back from him, wiping his cheeks with her thumbs, "Now come on, where is that happy Cisco I've grown used to."

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