Chapter 1 - "Who do you think you are?"

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"What did you think of him?" Nina asked, glancing over at Elliot.

Elliot massaged her cheeks and frowned.

"I think my face is going to break from all the smiling," she said.

"Yes, but what about the guy?"

Elliot picked up the piece of paper before her, reading the name Jake Summers, before putting it back down.

"Nice enough. I liked his upbeat attitude. But a little nervous and seemed to lose track of his thoughts a little too easily," Elliot said.

Nina took the piece of paper in front of Elliot, and scribbled a few notes on it, before adding it to an already thick folder. Elliot leaned her head back, staring up at the tiled ceiling.

"How many more?" she asked.

"Six more and then we are done with Boston University," Nina said.

Elliot sucked in a breath and then let it out in a big puff of air.

"Alright. Then I get to run away and have a late lunch," Elliot glanced at her watch. "Or a really early dinner with Cece. Okay, let's get this moving."

Nina nodded. Elliot straightened her cardigan and brushed back a piece of her shoulder length brown hair as Nina pressed the intercom button.

"Let the next student in," Nina said.

A minute later the door opened and a tall, thin guy with short dirty blonde hair stepped inside. Elliot perked up in her seat, as she admired his cuffed jeans, boots, button up shirt, blazer and bow tie. He had a narrow face and light blue eyes.

The guy reached out a hand to Elliot and she took it. An easy smile slipped onto her round face and brightened her hazel eyes.

"Hi, I'm Elliot Mckenzie, and this is my publicist and all around go to woman, Nina Walker," Elliot said.

The guy shook Nina's hand and took a seat, settling one ankle across his knee, nothing but ease in his posture.

"I'm Beck Daniels," the guy said, his voice deep and even as a sheet of glass.

"It's nice to meet you Beck," Elliot said.

Beck nodded his head, but said nothing.

"You come highly recommended," Elliot said. "Your creative writing professor had nothing but wonderful things to say about you."

Beck nodded again. Elliot glanced at Nina before looking back at Beck.

"Alright, so as you are already aware, I plan on co-writing my next novel, since it will be from both points of view. This interview is just a chance for us to see if we would work well together," Elliot said. "Do you have some of your work with you?"

Beck pulled out a folder from a worn leather satchel and handed it over.

"Great. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" Elliot said.

Something flickered across Beck's features, but was gone before Elliot quite knew what she saw.

"I understand that this is necessary," Beck said, his tone calm, barely hinting at inflection. "But I also understand that time is money and will skip to the chase. I believe your search for you co-author is done. I've read all four of your previous works and completely understand your style. Each story is based in a small quaint town, the state is just changed for each one. Your main girl character's name always starts with an A and the main guy character starts with a D. You have the witty side character that also has sage advice when the main character is struggling. Parents aren't part of the picture and at least one person is dead before the book has started." *

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