Chapter 43 - "The mafia caught up to us."

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Cece pulled the rental car into an open parking spot and put it in gear, but didn't turn off the engine. The low purr filled the silence as she watched Elliot and Elliot stared at the hotel before her. It's white walls were topped by red shingles and every level had balconies attached to it. Light spilled from the windows. Laughter and music floated from a patio somewhere beyond their sight.

Past the hotel the ocean lay stretched out before them. The deep blue shifted colors as the sun slipped towards the horizon. Waves crashed against the yellow sand, that seemed to go on for miles.

"We could text and say the IRS caught up to us and we're in debtors prison," Elliot said.

"I'm sure Dickens would really appreciate the company," Cece replied.

They didn't look at each other, their gaze riveted to the hotel and the wealthy patrons that slipped in and out of the doors.

"How about we're in airport prison because we tried to smuggle drugs," Elliot said.

"I told you your problem would get you in trouble."

"Our plane crashed."

"Who knew heaven had such good reception."

"The mafia caught up to us."

"I wonder if calls beyond the grave cost the same as international calls."

"You were terribly wounded in a club fight."

"The funny thing is they would be more surprised by the fact that we went to a club."

Elliot nodded. They sank back into their seats and back into silence. The hotel remained the same, although both girls imagined some sort of destruction done to it, mainly astroids and explosions.

"We should go in," Elliot said, although she made no sign of moving.

"We should," Cece echoed.

Still Elliot remained rooted to the spot, gaze never leaving the entrance.

"We couldn't sleep out in the car, could we?" Elliot asked.

"Probably not. We might get arrested."

"So we're sleeping in the car then."

"Looks like it."

Cece waited as Elliot continued staring at the iconic Hotel Del, unfazed by it's status or enticed to move an inch closer by its charm. The quiet was broken when Cece's phone rang. They both looked down at it and saw the one reason they were there.

"You want to bite the bullet or should I?" Cece asked.

"You get this bullet, I'll jump on the grenade that's due to come at us later tonight."

Cece shrugged. "Seems fair enough."

She reached out and grabbed the phone, answering it.

"Hi Michelle," she said. She fell silent. "Yeah we just pulled in...Uh huh....Yup, we'll be right in." She hung up and let out a breath. "One conversation down, 99,999 to go."

Cece shut off the engine and they stepped out. The air was cool and smelled strongly of the sea. Seagulls swooped over head, backlit by the fading sun. Elliot turned and looked over the roof at Cece.

"Get bags now or later?" she asked.

"Later. We'll need an excuse to leave everyone at some point."

"Smart thinking."

"Smart thinking."

They left the parking lot and climbed the short set of stairs to the entrance. Elliot pulled the door open and they stepped inside.The lobby was elegant and spacious, with a rich, maroon floral patterned carpet. The ceiling rose two stories high. Encircling the lobby were balconies with polished wood railings. At the center was an elaborate chandelier that hung down and seemed to dominate the space. Cece and Elliot bypassed the smiley receptionist and made for the restaurant.

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