Chapter 3 - "We are officially partners in crime."

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"Cece, for crying out loud, sit down!" Elliot said. *

Cece didn't listen and continued to pace around the office.

"I can't, I'm too excited to meet Beck," she said.

"You shouldn't even be here, Cece. It's a contract signing," Elliot said.

"I agree," Nina said, not bothering to look up from her phone.

Cece waved away their comments.

"I had to come. I've been dying to know what he looks like since he said yes a week ago," Cece said.

"I don't see why you should be so excited to meet my arch nemesis," Elliot said, smiling. 

"I think you mean co-writer " 

Elliot waved her hand. "Nuance."

Cece stopped pacing and stared at Elliot with her hands on her hips.

"You speaking of him as your arch nemesis, doesn't bode well for your future relationship," Cece said.

Nina put her phone aside.

"I have to agree with Cece on this one, Elliot."

Elliot cracked a smile and leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms.

"It's a joke. I believe Beck's and my future endeavors shall run smoothly." She shrugged. "We just got off on the wrong foot. Don't worry, I plan on retracing our steps and starting on the right one. After the contract I'm going to show him the office and see if he's open to lunch."

"Oh, like a date then!" Cece said.

Elliot's smile fell flat and Cece smirked.

"It's not a date. Just a chance to get comfortable with each other."

"So you're sitting down at a table?"


"And talking about yourself in order to make the future meetings run smoothly?"


"Yup, it's a date."

Elliot glared at Cece.

"Don't you have a chapter you should be writing?" Elliot quipped.

Cece pulled out a chair and flopped into it.

"Of course. Why do you think I'm here?" Cece said. "Gosh, like I would waste an hour just to see someone that I could look up on social media."

"How's the chapter coming?" Elliot asked, leaning on the table.

Cece rested her head back, making a face at the ceiling.

"Well, so far I have dejunked and cleaned the entire house. Replanted the garden and rearranged all the furniture." Cece looked at Elliot. "So you know, splendidly."

Elliot nodded.

"Sounds like it. If you are looking for more inspiration to write, I would love my room cleaned. Books organized alphabetically by title, not author."

"Got it. I appreciate your support," Cece said.

"Anytime. When is the chapter due?"

"Last Wednesday."

"So you're pretty much sticking to the same routine, as usual."

"Pretty much."

The intercom buzzed.

"Beck Daniels is here." a static voice said.

"Thank you. Let him in and tell Matt as well," Nina said.

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