Chapter 26 - "I always pictured the espresso machine as male."

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The office was silent, its occupant staring, unseeing, at the world beyond the windows. Steam rose in thin curls from the cup clasped in Elliot's hand. The door clicked open and Beck entered.

His gaze jumped to Elliot, seated on the stool before the windows, and his lips twitched with amusement. He tossed his satchel aside, grabbed a cup of coffee and joined her. When she made no response to his presence and her troubled, forlorn expression remained the same, he looked at her.

"Did the window washer change his cleaning pattern again or did the espresso machine resign?" he asked.

The question went unnoticed by Elliot and Beck's forehead creased.

"Why is she being stupid?" Elliot said, half to herself.

"I always pictured the espresso machine as male, but I guess that's sexist of me," Beck said.

"I mean why would she so flatly deny being with Milo?"

"I didn't know there was anything going on with Milo and our espresso machine."

Blinking, Elliot came out of her jumbled thoughts and looked at Beck. He raised his cup in salute, the beginning of a smile curling his lips. Elliot frowned.

"I'm not sure what's more startling," she said, "you making a joke about our espresso machine and Milo or the fact that there might be, what most people call, a smile on your face?"

"Both are equally startling."

"So why?"

Beck shrugged.

"You looked like you were thinking too hard."

"You're worried if I think I'll come to the conclusion I don't need you anymore and you'll be out of a job?"

"No, I'm not worried about that," he said. "I could bring lawsuits against you for terminating the contract."

"True. Then why does my thinking elicit jokes and happiness from you?"

"Let me rephrase this, you were going to melt the glass from staring too hard and I decided to save you from having to replace it."

"You don't need to stress," she said looking back at the window, "my super powers haven't worked in years."

"That's a relief."

Elliot cocked her head at him, her eyes narrowing.

"Thinking about Cece?" he asked.

Elliot let out an annoyed sigh and sagged on the stool, resting her chin in her hand. For a moment neither of them spoke. Beck took a sip and waited, watching Elliot with mild interest. Elliot twisted on her seat and faced him.

"When it came down to it, I didn't think she would let him get away," she said. "I know what she is struggling with. I just..." She gave a half hearted shrug. "I don't know...figured she would get past it and be with Milo. Now I have a moody, writing addicted sister and an even moodier barista who botched my coffee. So I had to buy a new coffee maker and it just doesn't taste as good."

Elliot stared glumly into her mug. Beck opened his mouth but hesitated, caution halting his words. He sighed and ignored caution.

"It must have hurt a lot when your father left," he said.

Elliot looked up and met Beck's eyes, finding them open and understanding. She shrugged then nodded.

"It did," she said. "And now we live with this constant companion of abandonment. Scared to trust. Scared to let others in. With each passing day we become more odd and insular. Sure we have people like Andrew, Jay, Mia, and Ryan but how close can you be with people you see a few times a year."

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