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                                                                   POINT OF VIEW \SETTING

It is said that many years ago ,at the beginning of the human race,that man could communicate with the earth and sky ,ancestors and spirits As a gift from nature but due to ignorance and the growing lack of faith this gift was taken from them.Technology had served to separate man from the universe and make him feel superior. thereby destroying the balance of nature.Many signs from the earth and sky tried to warn them but to no avail.So the earth and sky violently reacted to get rid of the human race in order to correct this mistake.

For many years the survivors lived in darkness and destruction.No sunshine and rain.It is passed down to us as the dark age of mankind.It humbled man and as he tried to mend his ways, nature in turn reversed the harsh conditions and strengthened the bond with man ,making him rid his vanity.It started by dividing the earth into six main lands.the woodlands ,the grasslands, the arid lands,the icelands,the reef lands and the rainforest 

men of all shapes ,sizes and colours would live as one tribe and nature would provide for them to avoid destruction.marking the end of the Dark Age and the beginning of the Divine has been 200,000 years of the dark age and 1800 years of the divine age.

However the dark wisdom that had once led to mans destruction was coming back into existence in a dark soul that was reincarnated in every to avoid history repeating itself,nature gifted a soul from each of the six lands with the sacred tongue.the language of the earth and the sky ,the ancestors and the spirits.they would be gifted with special abilities to guide and protect man from his past mistakes.they would be protectors ,warriors ,messengers,keepers.they were better known as the keepers of the woodlands.

They were gifted passage to higher states of mind,wisdom,strength and ability to keep balance in the new eden like serve and not to harm to heal and to restore what has been broken.they taught their gifts and showed man how to use what nature had provided for them.over the years,the land chose keepers,each from one land and stronger with each reincarnation .rumors of the dark soul rose that he was getting stronger as well with each reincarnation adapting to the new and deity like intelligence and sense of being that man was matter,the keepers were trained all their lives to face it and maintain balance at least ,so far.

the economic system was a child each connected with their calling and spent their lives perfecting and pursuing it as their purpose.the dark wisdom if spread, would break this connection with nature and with harsh consequences at that

the lands were separated by large masses of water and connected by small strips of land as though they were holding and animals lived in harmony in all the lands . the rainforest was specially dominated by animals.

the time is futuristic.way ahead in time until things come round full circle and human race is in sync with the universe and embraces nature.

(hi guys,i hope you like the idea behind the story.please follow mimoneemo ,vote,comment or add it to your library or reading list to get updates on new chapters.i will be updating frequently. and please lemme know what you think.thankyou for reading.)

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