chapter 17:DAIMAKN'S POV

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The earth and sky had taken the keeper's spirit back .i still couldn't accept thoughts were interrupted

We were walking back to the assistant. "My name is matheus."He held out his hand. "Nice to properly meet you."I held out my hand as well right after cas."likewise.the keeper in his last moments asked me to host you in his guest house until we properly send him off to the afterlife."

"That's strange, why?"

"I did not get the chance to ask."he looked down with sadness in his face" but ...."he pulled himself together and faked a smile.he continued "it was my duty to pass his last wish."

Cas was fidgety about it. I knew she did not want to stay but this was important to me. And matheus .we had to respect the keeper's last wish.

"im sorry matheus ,we will come back for the ceremony but we have to get back to my mother. she is also in a bad condition." Cas shot up before I could say anything.she clearly didn't understand.

"I understand ,it is not mandatory of was simply a request."matheus replied

This guy was good. he was getting cas aboard a guilt trip .there was no way she would go against a dieing man's last wish.i was smiling under the hand I had over my was that serious thinking man pose. so yea.i had my hand over my mouth .deep in thought .

Cas finally agreed and matheus led us to the room down the main hallway of the main building and upto the second floor.he was having small talk with cas. I was falling behind looking around. we got to the room and stood outside while matheus opened the lock on the door.

"The people are probably on their way here now to send the keeper off. this won't take long.i know it would mean a lot to the keeper."

He opened the door and ushered us in. "Feel comfortable to ask for anything. "

Outside, we heard a lot of noise. like a huge group of people gathering to form a crowd.i didn't know whether I should be worried or whether it was expected, so I looked to cas for confirmation. she seemed aware of what was going on.
"aaah, those are the protector and the guardian trainees who study here,they are gathering to help with the preparations. We are trained for when the moment comes." matheus explained as he walked out ,excusing himself .He shut the door behind him and walked away his steps echoing through.

I started looking around.the room was all rocks .a little dark but with bioluminous algae around the corners. so it was only as bright as the plants. the light from outside made its way in through the large window on one side of the room. But the light didn't make it all the way in,it only leaked to the floor as far as the window would let it.

I walked toward the window to feel the light from outside.was it warm? The room was shapless, really .it wasn't squared,it wasn't was strectched awkwardly in either looked like a work of art.there were two beds thrown around.a table in between and another by the door.cas was seated on it.she seemed distressed .she was determined to go and be with her mother.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. your mum wouldn't want you to walk away from the keeper's wish."I was walking toward her when she got up from the table and walked away.umm .i kind of stopped. Was it that she didn't want me getting close to her

"D, I have to one of the protector, so i have to go help out.ican'tt just stay here. im not gonna make it another second .i should stay busy until the ceremony." she was one of the protectors? i should've known.she knew everything about the creatures of her land so maybe she wasn't making it up. Maybe I didn't want her to go.i hated being conflicted that way so I acted like I didn't care."no problem. Do what you gotta do. "she looked at me weird for a second, then she walked out of the door. What was that?

I headed for the bed and threw myself down on it. lying on my back.i adjusted my arms under my head for comfort. What was that? I knew what my problem was. i liked Cas. I couldn't fight it.any attempt to fight it came out as weird behavior.i didn't know why I acted like that.maybe it was because i knew i could not have feelings for her. Especially since she had no idea who I was.and my fate wouldn't let me have anything that would last with her.

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