chapter 26:DAIMAKN'S POV

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the day had sprung a strong sense of nostalgia

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the day had sprung a strong sense of took me back but i avoided going there.i was with cecile. she was talking away after the ceremony.she made me wait up until it was her turn at the pond .she was a lively soul .her energy was explosive i'd love to have someone like that around me all the time.she was telling me about her experience at the pond.she had this descriptive power that amazed me.i had been paying attention but i couldnt any longer.i was tired and i needed a i said goodnight to cecile.she gave me a kiss on the was sweet.i smiled to myself as i walked away .maybe she was into me i guess i still had it.

i got to the room and walked in absent mindedly.i took off my shoes but stopped halfway when i heard the water in the shower had to be cas.she was taking a shower.i froze in that position .halfway taking off my mind raced at the thought of her in there.of us in here of us having no clothes on.i couldnt be here.i put my shoes back thoughts racing i had to get out and let her finish.i didn't have the self control to watch her leave the shower.or wait on the bed while she was in there.i had come close to loosing my self control earlier.

she was in my arms for just a minute and i could feel my mind leaving me and every other stupid feeling out there replacing it.i walked out of the room quietly and waited on the was pretty cold.i tried pacing back and forth but i didn't want to look impatient or creepy so i just leaned on the door.i closed my eyes and slid down .avoiding any thought of her.

moments later i heard the water stop running and her bed shift slightly.i wanted to go back in but i thought it would be smart to wait a little longer for her to sleep.i played back the events of the was one hell of a day.i remembered having seen cas at the pond during the elements test ,she didn't seem she'd seen something that had drained the life out of her.i wanted to ask her about it but i saw that russ guy follow her .i didn't have the energy for more of that guy today so i let it go.cecile kept me company anyway.

i got in and stepped in the shower immediately after tiptoeing around her bed so as not to wake her .the water calmed me flowed softly down my head to my back.i closed my eyes and let it flow over my face.i pushed the petals that were stuck to my skin away, a little bit too rough.cas came back to my mind.what was it with her .why couldn't i play this off?i pictured her in my mind .her face when i held her .how nervous she was when i didn't take my eyes off another lifetime, i would do everything in my power to be with her.even fight off that huge boyfriend she wait patiently for almost broke me thinking i could never have her.i wasnt going to deny it anymore.i had a pretty strong feeling for her.i was being dumb but i didn't care.we'd known eachother for what?less than a week.even worse we wouldn't stay in eachother's lives longer than that,a week.i was angry at everything for happening like this.i tried to get it together and forget about it.i had to.i willed my feelings off.i had no room for weakness.

i placed my hands on the wall arms length and leaned in .i felt my fingers sink in the felt good.almost like home.the way it felt when my fingers sunk in the grass.i let the water flow down my back.

my back muscles tensed up when i felt a soft touch on my lower back.probably a bug.i ignored it and shrugged it off.i felt it once again only it was more human this time around.i turned ready to fight off whatever it was.i had my fist ready but it was cas. standing in front of heart slowed down and i released my took a minute to register and confirm what i was seeing."how'd you get that scar on your back?"she brought me back to reality.i wasnt hallucinating or nothing.she was standing infront of me.naked.

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