chapter 24:THE CEREMONY

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The crowd settled down to watch the fire and the we took turns at the by one,we walked over to the pond.knelt down before it and looked inside.the reflection in the water would guide us .we could see our paths or what we had been called to do.i was excited really.there was only one seer in our village.i was going to feel how she felt bearing the gift of sight.there were a few people ahead of me .the wind blew off a part of the bonfire for each of them and the crowd clapped cheering them on. They were blessed protectors .some had seen their special calling or the answers to some of their questions.

Finally it was my turn.i walk to the pond and got on my knees respectfully.i bent forward supporting my weight with my hands.i looked into the felt strange.i was doubting myself. Rethinking all the bad stuff id done.i felt unworthy.the pond didn't reflect anything .i just saw my image.just me.nothing futury.i kept my hope alive .my turn wasn't over yet.i was tempted to look up at the bonfire.had a part been blown off yet?i was getting anxious.i tapped my fingers on the ground.i couldn't imagine the feeling of walking away from the pond having not been blessed to be a protector.i closed my eyes tight pushing away all the negative thoughts.ok just breath.i was there for about a minute.i hoped I wouldn't take longer than the others."open your eyes girl how are you going to see the reflection of your future with your eyes closed"I said to myself .i opened my eyes immediately.

My reflection was gone .i mean I couldn't even see my image in the was like I wasn't there at all.i blinked severally.searching the water for my reflection.i could hear the people heart was this close to beating out of my chest.i leaned in closer to the water.

A Blinding light pushed me away .i blocked the light from damaging my eyes with my arm.clueless to what was going on.i fell back on my knees and tried to see where the light was coming from .squinting my eyes i forced myself to look into the breathing grew heavy. couldn't reflection had turned into light?what did it mean.then I felt the light pull me into the water.i got sucked into the pond.i held my breath.i sank deeper and deeper.the pond wasn't that deep.where was I being pulled to and there was no way in hell I could hold my breath that long.

Slowly I felt the worry leave me and the keepers last words echo in my head.the last words that I couldn't remember earlier."it is not by sheer luck that you are here today.i was waiting for you."I looked back up.the light from the fire was piercing through the water. it broke into a million magnificent was beautiful .i released the air I had in my lungs and watched the surface move further away from me and the light from the bonfire deem down.

"Nature has chosen you my dear. You are the next keeper of the woodlands. Your journey has been set before you. You began it the moment you took it upon you to escape the clutches of the people who had taken you captive solely to deliver the message to me."his words were echoing in my mind .it was like I was remembering a dream I had as a child. Like a strong sense of unrealness.why would I remember that just now? Maybe that's why the keepers last wish was that I stay for the ceremony. Why me? I wasn't ready for all that it came with.i mean look at me.i argued within myself. Then I was no longer drowning I was standing in a white room with the previous keeper.

he looked young and rejuvenated .i smiled .it was good to know he was in a better place."I know you have many questions young one but you are more than you think of yourself.i have seen the journey ahead of you and only you can complete the task at hand.things are going to never before."he was talking with his back toward me, walking around the room.he seemed new here too.he was checking the place out."but you needn't be afraid or in doubt .you have nature to guide you."he turned around to face me.he caught the scared and clueless expression on my face.

His face lit up"haha I remember when I was chosen,I had that exact look."he came closer taking powerful strides he was enjoying his new body and energy."do not be afraid.serve the people let the earth and sky, the spirits and the ancestors guide you.listen to them.they're deep inside. never ignore them."he got to where I was standing and stopped.he slowly took a bow "keeper of the woodlands."

I was frozen.little pieces in my mind were falling apart.where would I start .i was breaking down internally as the white room faded and the previous keeper disappeared..i felt myself kneeling by the pond.i wasn't moving .i hadn't drowned. it was all in my head.i had seen seen my seen who I was.i felt a tear roll down my cheek. I was overwhelmed by it.

the bonfire ,it would be blown off completely any minute now and the people would know me as their next keeper.i would move into this place.after following the journey nature had set for me.i tried to calm down.

I looked up at the my surprise only a part of it blew off.what did that mean?i folded a frown on my face.had It all been in my mind.if my facts were right .the bonfire is blown off completely when a keeper is chosen not just a part of it

.the crowd cheered at a part of the bonfire been blown off.meaning I was a blessed protector.not a keeper.i stood up unsure about what had just happened.and headed for my room in the main building.i was soaking wet from the rain and I had petals everywhere.mud on my face.i felt weighed down by all of it.i needed a shower.a long one.

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