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                          THE CREATURES AT THE GATE

i felt the walls shaking and i  heard screaming.just as i was about to reach the top,i tripped over a bone.i don't know what poor little animal was this guys lunch but i wasn't gonna be next.i thrusted back up on my feet and charged toward the opening of the tunnel.the idea was to get past it safely.and cross the dam gates.this wasn't exactly the best plan since the creature was at the end of the tunnel.blocking our only exit.

out of nowhere,its whiskers grabbed the girl who was in front of me.shit!i  stood still.i didn't know what to do.i was scared shitless.still i tried to think quick ,i had to save her .i ran after her as she was being pulled toward the creature and i grabbed her by the legs

i was holding onto her with everything in me.then i saw a knife tucked in her side pocket.i wanted to grab it but if i were to let go i would lose her to the i quickly did the math in my head.i pulled myself up her legs and in a split second i grabbed the knife,let go of her legs and cut the creature's whiskers which caused it to loosen its grip and pull its cut whisker back."are you ok? are you hurt? "i asked her as i helped her up. she nodded that she was ok.we had no time.the creature was hurt .it would be distracted by the pain and we might find a way around and past it.she was a bit shaken off so i asked her to take deep breaths and run if she wanted to live.

we made it to the end of the tunnel and jumped in the water trying to blindside was wriggling in pain .i still couldn't exactly get a full picture of it.i felt a bit sorry for hurting it.that wasnt how woodlands people were raised .living beings shouldn't bring harm to each other.

i had managed to swim past it when i remembered the others so i stopped and looked back.they were still on the other side trying to swim past it.

"look we have to help them."i said to those of us who'd made it. they weren't so willing but the girl i'd helped earlier joined me and said that if i hadn't helped her she wouldn't have made it past that thing so she was with me all the way.i gave her a grateful look.

"they're your friends are they not?"i asked the bunch of cowards who had the nerve to even think about leaving without the others.i guess i got them on board because one of them shot up and said they had an idea.

we swam behind it and held onto its fin while the girl id saved went to tell the others to get away we were distracting you can imagine it only made the creature started moving its powerful fin side to side causing turbulence in the water.once the others had escaped.i had to let go of the fin and swim faster than this huge fish like whatever with its powerful fins.again bad idea .oh well.

once everyone  had gotten away, i let go of the fin which threw me far into the distance .so far that  i actually caught up with the whole gang. i even had a head start .what do you know.not so bad plan after all.nah i just got lucky.the fish regained its stability and turned around to come after us.the rest had caught up with me and we were all swimming as fast as we could

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