chapter 27:MEANINGLESS

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her body was even better without clothes on.her curves flowed,her chest lifted and dropped gently .her breathing alone turned me on.her boobs were full and round.her body looked strong  and lean.i bet it was from all the running and tree climbing.her waist lazily swung as she shifted her weight to one hip.i swallowed hard.i forced my eyes back up to her face but i found myself gazing at her body again.what was she doing in the shower with me ?she should have been asleep and not here.there was no way i could stop myself.she had no idea what she was doing.i finally looked away.

"where'd you get that scar on your back?"she asked again.i had a long scar on my lower went vertically down."ummm its a whip scar."i answered still looking away."i got it while i was younger.long story."why was i answering her.i felt obliged to do everything she asked.if she asked me to jump out that window ,two stories down ,id have done a heart wasnt good so i fought for control over my mind .cleared my throat and faced her."what are you doing in here?"  like this isn't awkward at all.i mean let's just stand here about past traumas.i dont know.

she looked down almost embarrassed by the question.i wanted to take it back and ask more gently but she looked up confidently "what's your full name.?" she took a step closer.what was she on .she was just asking for it.i was dieing to have her but one of us had to think straight and clearly it had to be me.i stepped back and rubbed my temple.what was my full name?

"this is a strange time to get acquainted cas,let's do this tomorrow when you're thinking straight.what are you on?"

"i'm not on anything.i just want to know your full name."she stiffed her chin in determination.she was not going to drop it.

"ok's Dimeken Arden your service."i was about to ask her to leave ,final warning otherwise i wouldn't be held responsible.she chuckled and said my name to herself.trying it out."if you're done cas,i'd like to carry on with my shower."

"ARDEN.i ummmm,"she hesitated.then she looked me in the eye.more of a serious made me curious what was going on with her?"i don't know you that well arden,you don't know me that well either but i need someone right now.umm what did you call it?" she came closer standing an inch away from me.i got hard.i bit my lower lip.i wanted to kiss her .the water got her face wet.tempting my hands to touch her.feel her like the water did flowing down her body.i rubbed my chin and my temple looking for things to do with my hands.i kept thinking.please walk away now.
she could feel my dick against her.i rubbed the back of my neck looking down to her.she was breathing on my chest.i looked up inhaling sharply, painfully. this was an extremley vulnarable situation .i dont know how things could go back to normal after this .i just wanted it to stop it felt like a very uncomfortable dream/nightmare.i felt caught between a rock and a hard place .you dont trust a guy to be the reasonable one in such a situation.God this turned me on.ooh back to what she was saying.i replied to her question.she was talking about the meaningless sex i'd joked about the previous day.when i had held her in my arms till morning.

"you want to have meaningless sex?" saying it just .i dont even know who calls it that.i mean i was jocking last time i used it. i guess woodlanders were more or less formal with these terms .they called it like it was.why not call it a one night or a hook up or a fling or anything for keeper's sake.this was so wierd.

"your not gonna be in my life long after this.i think.there's nothing else i can call it?"she placed her hands on my chest.and looked up at me.her eyes were more beautiful than could she talk about meaningless sex.she was clearly on something.she got on her toes reaching for my face.i wouldn't call it meaningless but it didn't matter ,she was right.we wouldn't see each other again.and i wanted her so dick got harder.fuck it.i held her face and looked into her eyes .she was focused on my lips.

i leaned down angling my head .i hovered about an inch close to her lips she was shaking in my hands .i got closer and she closed her eyes.i brushed past her lips lightly then pulled away.waiting to catch her expression.she followed me.getting on her toes again.i brushed past them again then pulled away.she opened her eyes and smiled."you play too much arden."she called me by my middle name.i chuckled.i leaned in and finally pressed my lips against hers like i had been longing.i felt everything in me freeze and my heartbeat get louder.she was sucking on my upper lip.slowly.i felt chills run through my eyes rolled back and shut in satisfaction.i sucked on her lower lip gently .tasting her .hoping it would never end.she was the type of girl i could loose myself into.i lowered my hands to her back and pressed her closer to me.i felt a sexy cry escape her .it made me go crazy.i wanted more.i wanted her to be mine. at the very least.just this moment.i wanted her to know who she belonged to at this moment.she was mine.

i ran my hands wildly up and down her back as our kisses intensified.she pushed my hand lower down her back.i followed her movement and grabbed her ass with my right hand.i cupped her butt cheek and squeezed gently pulling her closer .i was spiraling out of control. trying to assert myself here but really she was the one who had me right where she wanted.she pushed me to the wall and grabbed my hair in a fist.

"fuck".sounded deep in my throat as i pulled out of the kiss for air n bit on my lower lip.

i could feel the passion in her body movement. the look on her face hypnotized me.i forgot myself for a minute back there .still i trailed kisses down her cheek passionately.i wanted her to know how i felt through my kisses.down her jaw line then to her neck.she tilted her head over giving me clear access to her neck. i parted her legs and lifted her.she was straddled around my waist.her legs held me tight as i cupped her ass."cas" i groaned her name.holding her felt beyond good."yea" she called out back at me.

i struck a spell on her neck with my tongue.she tasted of the sweet petal scent.the ones we had played with earlier.i turned with her in my hold and held her between my body and the wall.she'd said she needed someone.she needed made me feel good.she needed me.i trailed my kisses down to her breast.she was breathing heavy closing her eyes and letting me take care of her.i put her down gently and sucked on her nipple while squeezing her other boob with my hand."oh god Deee" she let out a moan.i smiled and nibbled on her other nipple.she arched her back pushing her chest forward.i went lower to her belly button doing a number eight on it with my tongue.she was moving back and forth rhythmically as if she was riding me.i slid my hand down.between her legs.she was warm and wet .i slid my finger in.she was moaning .it was music to my ears.

KEEPERS OF THE WOODLANDS.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ