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                                         THE GATE

                                         THE GATE

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it was a group of four to six.maybe more. they seemed harmless .they weren't from around here maybe they were lost or something.they had the same type of clothes i had on so that meant they came with the roots like we did. the boy came back only to find me on a tree.the view was better from there honestly.what did he think i was gonna do.stand there and wait for him to come back.i came down quietly"they seem harmless":he whispered to me.

i figured."okay well let's go say hi"

"just be careful"

we walked over to them with our hands held out showing we came in peace .to our relief,they did the we introduced ourselves  and got to know they were going to the same place we were.soon enough we were all standing at the edge of the stream stairing at each other like who wants to go first.

this stream was was not crossed by going across to the other had to cross following the water.not where it flowed to but where it flowed we all got in the water and swam against the water current .so far so good."you okay?"one of the guys dressed like me asked.

"yea i'm hoping the current is all were up against"i said as we came up to a passage.kind of like when water takes an underground was like a mini tunnel or a short cave..with muddy walls .it was water flowed faster toward us.but not like a waterfall.there were side walks inside the tunnel like cave.i let out a sigh of relief.can you imagine having to swim upstream against all that pressurized water.we swam upto the side walk hidden in the walls of the tunnel.

i gave the boy i had escaped with a look ,he looked back at me in assurance to let me know he was all good over there since we were on different sides of the tunnel.once we went up the was see you at the top.we had just taken our first step when we heard  some animal noise.we all stopped and hid in the side walk since the noise was coming from the water.the sidewalk had no water so it was logical to hide there.i signaled the others on the  other side to be quiet and to go up the tunnel silently.

the noise came again. only this time louder .whatever it was getting closer.suddenly the tunnel got darker.something was blocking the light at the top.

no no no no no.i was in panic mode.breathing fast but no air was getting to my lungs.i didn't even know what could be large enough to block the tunnels heart was pounding and fear almost took over my eyesight because when i peeped over the tunnel wall to see what was at the top of the tunnel my vision was blurry.i couldnt see a thing for a while .well that and it was dark.light rays filtered in from the gaps that the silhouette of the creature made.a bright orange object came to was beautiful for a second back there until it came into full view.

it was a huge orange creature .huge back fin.muscular gills shaped like clawed or scratched marks.the face had long jelly fish leg like whiskers.the eyes were not in view but id seen attention came back to going up the tunnel when i suddenly heard "holy shit"from the other of the guys we met earlier was standing there taken aback by the creature.he'd also alarted the creature of our now we had to run for our lives.

the creature shifted its focus to the boy who was still standing there by the got furious and began causing the water and the tunnel to shake reached one of its jellyfish leg like whiskers slapping like lightning down the tunnel and grabbed the boy. shit i couldnt watch . i ran up the tunnel as fast as i could hoping the boy i escaped with was safe.

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