chapter 11:TAKE IT EASY

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moments after emelia walked in

"cas can you hear me?"emilia's voice echoed through my head. i was loosing my footing,my legs were getting weak.i couldnt believe what she'd told me.i stumbled up the staircase."this cant be happening." 

"cas you need to take it easy .slow down."daiamkn rushed to help me up when i missed a step and almost came tumbling down ."listen to me.look...."he held me and turned my face toward him."look at me"i was trying to look at him but i still couldnt see vision was a piece of shit at that point.i just needed to get up those steps.

my mother was in her death bed.her heart was finally giving had been mild when i left and we had the best healers tend to her.emelia told me that everyone was out seeking help and my sister madison was out seeking the keeper. so emelia stepped in to help while everyone was out searching. bless her soul for that .i still couldnt accept the fact that i wasn't here to help earlier.surely there must've been something i could've done."this isn't happening" i whispered to myself . daimakn was close enough to hear me.he saw that he couldnt get me to calm down so he decided the only way to help my stubborn  ass was to get me up to my mothers room .i needed to be by her side.

he carried me .it felt as though i was floating .almost passing out.the news of my mother hit me right in the gut."why is this happening?i cant loose dont understand."tears made their way down my face.

finally i was by her side.along with D and emelia.  

mother.she .she wasn't moving .she was just lying there."how long has she been like this?"i turned to her friend,emelia, my eyes swollen and red.full of tears

"since you left."she answered with a sad tone . her expression looked disturbed .she knew how much her words would hurt me.we weren't in good terms with my mother when i left.she would bother me all the time about taking my spiritual lessons seriously .she kept saying i had a lot i had to learn.that i had to get ready.but i wasn't so much into spiritual things.that was for healers ,prophets and the keeper's assistant.eventually it became a nag and i stormed out.

"cas ,your mother said .the last time she talked to me she said.she believes in you. more than you can ever imagine." emelia walked over to me and held me in her arms."if i lose her?.."emelia stopped me"where's your faith girl."

 i had forgotten about daimakn .it had to be a little too much for him.i pulled myself together to take care of him and offer him a bed ,some clothes, a shower ,food  but emelia told me shed take care of it.

i had to get the message to the keeper real quick then get back to my mother.i knew that's what she would have told me .in her own dramatic way.

emelia gave daimakn a room to sleep in.ran him a hot bath and some food.i went to check up on him before i got some sleep .the fireflies were bright in his room.i guessed he wasn't asleep or maybe he liked to sleep with the lights on so i knocked."you asleep yet?"and waited for a reply.

"no .come in."he was lying on his back staring at the ceiling."you good in here?"i walked in and leaned on the door lightly after shutting it."i should be asking you that." he sat up and fixed his face to this empathetic look.searching my face .i looked up at the ceiling trying to get the tears to soak back in."i'm fine i just need to get this done so i could be with my family."he walked over to me and held my hands."it's gonna be fine cas."

his touch comforted me."i bet you didn't ask for all of this." you know, i felt somewhat guilty for the bother.i really didn't like being anyone's problem.

"don't say that.nobody asks for anything terrible to happen to anyone's family." he totally twisted that .trying to make me smile with his direct sarcasm.i smiled for a second then i noticed he was standing dangerously close.everything in me tensed up.

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