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i was running out of breath and my lungs were giving in so i slowed down to a stop and bent forward i was getting light headed

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i was running out of breath and my lungs were giving in so i slowed down to a stop and bent forward i was getting light headed.i couldnt take one more legs were about to give in then i felt a strong grip on my pulled me foward and forced me to keep running."you gotta keep moving .they'll notice were gone any minute now." somehow that gave me the motivation to use all the strength left in my quads..the boy holding my hand,pulling me,was my cellmate or more of we were held captive together..we had come across dangerous information and they wanted to make sure it didn't get out.

i was picking up the pace so he let go of my hand .we jumped over some protruding roots and fallen branches .the boy was leading the way.confidently as if he knew which way guaranteed our saftey.i had my fingers crossed that we were not running in any case if we were i wouldnt have noticed my head was spinning.i couldnt keep up.i called out for help before i fell to the ground."come on theres a stream nearby ,listen."
He said from a couple of steps ahead.
"we'll be safe on the other side."he was coming back to get me.i felt like i was dragging him down so i shook my head to say no.i can handle it.i forced myself back up but he had already made his way back to where i was and helped me up.a few moments later we jumped over a few rocks to cross a narrow stream to the small village on the other side .

It was a bit strange.i was more confused than relieved "what in the world"we weren't familiar with the place it was quite different from where we had come from "yeah what in the"he was just as knocked out as i was.for one, it was super dark and the people were in different attires.

strange structures with bright neon lights were on either side of the road.crazy machines hoovered past us with people seated inside.a noisy group of people were selling merchandise by the was a sight to behold.we lost a couple of seconds just standing there taking it all my first instinct was to blend in.

we got rid of our clothes and bought new ones.i got this tiny black dress and threw away the dark brown armor like uniform i had worn.the boy was asking for directions or a way out of here from some of the merchants or some sort of transportation from this place back to central.the woodlands central.

i was looking around when i saw this dark blue glowing bike like things."that's our way back to central"he was standing behind me pointing at the bikes.he startled me a little but i dint move i kept staring at them trying to figure them out."they'rsomething else."

"yes they look beautiful in that dress by the way"he whispered in my ear still standing behind me.i smiled and led the way to the bikes.

in the woodlands ,crossing a stream ment that you entered a different atmospheric that ;the air was heavier or lighter and it was darker or this place ,this little village,it was darker and the air was heavier.the light from the sun was dimmer.not to blame the large trees throwing thier glorious was all shadowed and the people had built structures way up from the ground to get up to where the air was thinner or what was normal in other yeah we were about four stories high .everything was up here.there was nothing down there exept large intertwined protruding roots and could hardly see a was scary even. i couldn't look down any longer so i looked back up trying to shake off the vertigo.

the roots were huge and the people had used them as tunnels to get around didnt damage the trees.its almost like thats what the trees were ment for in the first place.some of the roots were higher than the canopies.they went above the branches.
I had to stop looking around so wide eyed otherwise we would stick out like a sore finally we got a bike.the boy had to trade his shoes for it.they were amberite.that means real expensive.but just as we were about to get on the bike and pay for it .the guy ran away with our money."really not now." i said under my breath in frustration and charged after him.something tripped him and i jumped over and landed on his back and choked him from behind

"give us the money ,we don't want any problems"my growl voice was doing its magic .

yea i could get pretty convincing if i wanted to.i hugged his neck tighter.tight enough.that ought to do it.he coughed out and nodded as he reached for his pocket.he took out a bundle of notes and i snatched it from him as i jumped off his back.the boy had been watching like this was amusing with this stupid grinn on his face but he finally decided to step in and help hold him back as i counted our money and threw what wasn't ours back to him. we werent trying to rob anybody.the boy let him go and barked at him to pick up his money and get he did and ran away like we were big bad bullies."i bet you feel pretty good about yourself" i teased him as we walked back to the bikes."im not the wrestler chocking people and growling thats impresive.where'd you learn that."i chuckled a little when he made that growl face miming my words ."give us the money"

the systems for the bikes was after choosing a destination and get a bike.then get a card.insert the card in the slot at the back of the bike.the bike will then glow in the same colour as the tunnel that will lead you to your destination .after getting to the end of the tunnel that is ,the destination,the bike returns.
after the owner of the bikes finished explaining, we gave him the money but he said it wasnt enough."what do you mean its not enough? how much do you need?my kidney?"i overhead them arguing about the price.the boy tried to plead with the owner but thing you know,he came over with a card wearing nothing but his underpants."he wanted everything?huh?"i joked as we got on the bike. i was a little flushed from his bare skin.he was fine as hell.he didn't say a word .just inserted the card and we headed to the tunnel that glowed a hot pink

just before we got to the tunnel,i spotted the guys we were running from"oh shit,they found us .go go go"

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