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It was four am,I was up.i found myself lying next to daimakn.he was such a sight while asleep.i quietly untangled myself from his body and sat up .legs down by the edge of my bed. I rubbed my eyes .tryna get that sleepy vision to go away.i turned around admiring daimakns face. Maybe it was just me but he was starting to get super hot .then again maybe that was just my hormones or the way he made me cum last night.he was something. He wasnt woodland type but he had enough caveman in him to get me going.

After I showered,I left the room looking for matheus,the old keeper's assistant,he said I should sought him in case I needed anything .well right now I was hungry. that boy drained everything I had in me.i thought I might find him in the keeper's domain.the building was a lot less hazardous at four am in the was a mess though from last night . a couple of people were still selling things ,others were still dancing and celebrating but it was less crowded.

Knocking on the door ,it slid open."hello" this was creepy.i thought about coming back when I was sure matheus would be awake and there was sunlight to light up the dark corners of the hallway to the keepers domain.

but there are people around I tried to comfort myself."this is not creepy at all.i pushed the door open and walked in ."mattheus ?"I called out mind was telling me to turn around after no one responded maybe he was asleep .normal people don't get up this early cas.fine my mind was made .i turned around to leave.

but just before I stepped out, I spotted the entrance to the keeper's room. I don't know but something seemed different than the last time we were here.okay maybe just a look .i walked toward the small walkway to the keeper's room. I was right .last time I was there, it seemed ruined like veins and branches were crawling in through the ceiling and the paintings seemed old and vague .you could barely tell what was on them . the place was practically left to nature.

now it was all clean ,all felt like I was walking into a dream.the glass roof was fixed. the veins crawled all over it but didn't get in.the place seemed new and clean and the paintings looked fresh.there wasn't a speck of dust in sight ."what thuh." I touched it to feel it for myself .wait was I dreaming ? i rubbed my eyes together. Then one of the paintings caught my was the first one to my right."is that?" my eyes went wide like saucers. i moved closer .running my fingers on the the painting .there was a picture of the old keeper.seated on his chair.with a sharp beam of light for a face.standing in front of him was a girl.she looked a lot like me.she had her hand stretched out to the keeper's face as if she was touching the light that came from his looked a lot like what had happened earlier in the keeper's room when we had first arrived to inform him of what we had found out.

i brushed the thought off .

the next painting two steps from that one had a girl on it . I couldn't help but keep staring .it had the girl from the previous painting her eyes were glowing and she was floating close to sun .her hands had big balls of fire on the next painting there was darkness creeping in from the corners of the frames ,a snake crawling on the ground and the same girl from the other painting in a hood in the middle of the chaos and the next painting the ground was burnt up save for this one tree and the girl was seated under it.with an apple in hand.eating away as though everything was fine all around her.i started to piece it together in my mind .it didn't make sense but it felt like a puzzle of some sort.i wasn't just looking at the paintings. now I was studying them.the next painting had the same girl except she wasn't alone in this one she was holding hands with someone.i moved closer for a better look but a voice made me jump back .losing focus and turning to see who it was.

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