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                              THE STREAM

up ahead were a series of rocks.oh wait other creatures,they were moving toward us.we were right in the middle.i noticed that the stream had branched .which way was the right way?i really couldn't tell from all the pressure to stay alive.i took the one to my right while everyone took a different one.i ended up at a dead end as if the water flowed from nowhere and no source .the stream had suddenly ended.and there was this icy surface .like clear ice.i took a deep breath and followed it under water.

under water it looked like pure glass and you could see through .the other side was dark blue and the water was supposed to flow from this path but the ice blocked it.

i had gone as deep as i could .i needed to come up for air when i heard the ice crack.uh oh ,that can't be good.i thought to myself.i kicked my way up to the surface.the water wasn't that deep now that i thought about it .it was just a stream after all.but a pretty out of the ordinary one.the creatures had caught up and no one was in sight .the noise from the ice breaking got louder .it pushed me along with the creatures.almost like it did not want us there.the wave it caused pushed me all the way to the other side of the stream and up what seemed like a mini waterfall.still upstream.yeah the pressure was that strong.

i lost my element for a second and when i came to,i saw the boy that i had escaped with.he was helping me stay afloat .pulling me toward the land.i looked around and no creatures.i forced myself out of his hands

"good your ok.looks like we made it."he said running out of breath .from the looks of it,he'd been pulling  my weight for a while.i looked up and saw this huge roots dripping with was  at the edge of the not so huge water drop i'd gone was beautiful.the sun rays hit the water drops and many little rainbows formed at each water drop.

wait, i know this place.i splashed with excitement and relief."were here .we made it." we got to the land and boy was i happy to be out of water.the others were swimming toward us.everyone was safe .it was over .we made it in one piece.we were all on the sweet solid land trying to squeeze the water out of our clothes and hair.

there was a clear path.with trees on either side.from a distance it looked like it led to a clearing and there was a small station.i knew we were safe at last.i couldn't wait to get home and tell the keeper the piece of information that could change everything. he would know what to do.

"im casarite by the way."i said to the boy.we hadn't thought about introducing ourselves the whole time.i don't know maybe because we were trying to stay alive. he wasn't listening to me though.he was somewhere far in his thoughts.

"hey,hey,hello there."i waved my hand in front of his face.

"huh what?" he shifted his focus back to me.there was definitely a lot on his mind and i felt in no place to ask. i just hoped i could make it easier on i went to introduce myself again and make him feel at ease or at home but he spoke first ."so how long till we get to the keeper?"

well someone was in a hurry to get this over and done with.we had gotten to the station.and before i could answer ,a man came out from the back in his uniform and behind him,his hound beast.

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