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"how you been baby?"russ, my on and off man whispered in my ear from behind me

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"how you been baby?"russ, my on and off man whispered in my ear from behind me.I ignored him.

"stop doing that."i hissed at him when he started nibbling on my earlobe.i used to like that but not at the moment .i had other issues. i couldnt deal with him. urrrrrg my pussy was messing with still got to me that thing that he i turned around to face him."hi cas,been a while.where'd you run off to."he said with that cursed smile.i didnt smile back. i gave him a blank stare that screamed go away.i didn't want him to go though.

we stood outside the main building.we were in the back row of the protectors class crowd.matheus and commander zehan were talking about the preparations and dividing us into small groups ,assigning us roles.

the crowd thinned down as people split up to their respective posts.a couple of my friends were standing right next to me paying attention.i mean i was too until russ.i always think about him with a stank face in my mind.he was something else.he made me mad when he was not there but the minute i saw him.........he had my strings, i had to give him that .he knew how to play them he pulled me away from the crowd and into the main building.the great hallway was quite busy so we weren't  anybody's notice.

"i can't be here.what do you want?"i said calmly with a spike of attitude.avoiding his face."mmmm,i missed that ...fisty."

"bite me."

"that can be arranged."

"get real russ."ok he made me blush.a little .just like a second or something.his ego was so stoked at  that blush.i could see it in his snare.he was scanning my face for any sign of that girl who got weak at the mention of his very name.but then his expression quickly changed after he got his two seconds of satisfaction.he was more serious now."look,madison told me about your is the dragon doing?"no offense taken by the way.dragon is what i used to call my mother when i vented out to russ about how fierce and annoying she was always bugging about my spiritual yea,he said it  jockingly.with a change in tone at the dragon part .like how you introduce the evil charatcer while telling a child's bed time story.

ok, i laughed as it took me down memory lane.that time when we were just chilling at our own little corner of the world.. talking and doing what we laughter faded but the mood was lighter between us."she's not doing too well.i just wanna go and check up on her right now."my expression got sadder with every word. i looked down trying to get over it a little.he was standing in front of me.pocketing.then i saw his hands leave his pockets and they moved to my face.he held my face that way that i liked.and lifted my head till i was looking him in the eye.i tried to break from his didnt help.i just ended up rubbing my cheek on his face fitted perfectly in his hands."i hate seeing you like are a creature of nature.always wild.i need you to trust nature hun.the reighn of the dragon is not yet over.i just feel it"again that made me smile.i appreciated this man so much .he had no idea.problem was, he always had a way to mess it up.i was wiser this time, i wouldnt let him.atleast i'd try.

he was staring at me with his rugged face.thick eyebrows and deep set green eyes.that somehow got swallowed by all of his facial hair.he was a beast this one maybe thats how come i liked him beyond my control.i really didnt care how dumb i was being.
he was overly built.he was a hard worker ,a land breader.he did so much landwork.trying to grow as much as he could and save as many plants as he could.there was this one tree hed grown long tower's over so many trees in the woodlands right now.his most satisfying work.his reward from made him more passionate about what he did.the earth had chosen him.

aside from that ,he was a we were in the same class.

i broke off the stare when one of my friends.celine came calling."cas let's get moving ,we're in charge of setting the bonfire around the too asshole."she said that last part with a lot of hate.

russ laughed it off and went back to pocketing .keeping his cool."im good thankyou about you?hows your day?"i kinda smiled secretly .they never got know ,with her thinking hes no good for me and all.i didnt blame her.i knew it too.if only i listened to myself.

we walked to the pond .melody was standing in the middle of our group, planning how we were gonna arrange the wood around and above the pond.constructing the bonfire needed much precision and calculation.

the ceremony was a series of events:we had to create a passage ,a gateway to the ancestors and the spirits then we had to chant a few words written down for us by one of the oldest keepers,to communicate with the earth .thanking it for the previous keeper.and wishing him well in the afterlife asking that he may still watch over us and guide us through the next keeper.the chanting needed to be done under the stars.during the chant, colours were splashed around.the sky would therefore take part by changing the stars colours into the colours we splashed around.showing that the skies were pleased.
if the earth and sky were would rain at the exact moment the chanting was done with.we'd dance around the pond with the bonfire around and above was like a basket woven all around the pond covering it.

the fire would continue to burn despite the rain.the protectors would line up and take the test of the elements.they would cover thier faces in mud and walk toward the pond and look into it.the mud on thier face was to symbolize the earth the fire around the pond would symbolize the fire element and the water in the pond would symbolize the water element.

if one of the protectors was the next chosen keeper.the bonfire would completely be blown off and kill the fire immediately .blown by the wind symbolizing the air element.if not ,the wind would blow off only a PART of the bonfire.showing that they were chosen and anointed to protect be protectors n assist the keeper.they would become official protectors.something like they would graduate.

Usually keepers were chosen from protectors but whoever felt the calling ,was welcomed to be part of the elements test.matter of fact, the people traveled from near and far to take the test having received a special calling.if they were not the next keeper.they would see in their reflection in the pond what it was ,their special calling.

it was a ceremony that took you out of this world.most people especially spiritual students.would spend an hour or so in meditation getting into their higher states of mind for the event.

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