chapter 20:THE CEREMONY

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the final preparations

"who is that boy you came with cas?"Cecile was going through all lengths to make sure russ and i were never going to be an us now she was pretending to be interested in daimakn."he's totally checking you out from the window over there."she motioned to me in an undercover dont look now but he's right behind you.i felt myself tense up again I felt uncomfortable. Was he really checking me out? No. that would be dumb .i didn't want to be into daimakn that way.he wasnt going to stay in my life for long.we had separate lives. And nothing in pretty sure he wouldn't get me.i felt like only a specific group of people would get me. He wasn't one of them." is he really checking me out?"i couldnt believe i was blushing.what the hell.cecile gave me a nudge." ask him to come over i wanna meet him."she was whispering as if he could here from all the way over there.


daimakn and cecile were really hitting it off. Honestly i was trying to ignore the situation.russ kept looking over to where cecile and i were.someone please get me out of this.daimakn introduced himself to russ when russ had tried to intimidate him.pfft i rolled my eyes and worked on the bonfire like i was on a payroll. Actually come to think of it, i was the only one breaking my back at this.everyone else was catching up get to know one another or whatever.on the bright side i didn't have to deal with those two.

the sun came down pretty early it felt like the whole day had gone for just five minutes.i guess that was because of the hurry to get things together for the ceremony.everything was ready by the time the stars were up.five minutes to the beginning of the ceremony,people had gathered around the was dark in the keepers domain but the bonfire had made it as though the sun was still up.the light was reflecting on the people's faces as they came closer to the pond.the space in the middle of the keepers domain was big enough to sustain about seven hundred people comfortably. Everyone was socializing. the commanders from each discipline that is spiritual,healers,protectors,warriors,land breeders,builders and so on. These commanders were making sure no detail had been left to the wind.

i was standing behind cecile who was getting cozy with daimakn.she was so direct she made sure daimakn knew she was interested. She wasn't kidding. I was pissed at it for some reason. i was trying to play it off by laughing to some of their comments but no they weren't funny .at all.why was i so mad .i had to check myself.real quick.i spotted russ squeezing past the crowd to join the protectors .we were standing front and center at the pond.since we were practically in charge of most of the activities that were about to take place.he came over and displaced marilyn who was standing to my left ."where were you its about to start?"i was just asking to be annoying and to make daimakn jealous wasn't really sure why.

the protectors who were qualified to be at the front were about thirty five .the number plaid between that and forty.russ was explaining where he was .it sounded irrelevant so i tuned him off and i began getting in the mind state for the ceremony.everybody was quieting down too . almost immediately it was silent .completely.the atmosphere changed. it became holy grounds.i felt myself elevate .like i was leaving my body and my spirit floated peacefully above me.i closed my eyes and let go.

KEEPERS OF THE WOODLANDS.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz