29. Return

22 3 0

Arias PoV

My eyes slowly opened and I saw Ezra with his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. He was still fast asleep. I could tell by the way he breathed. His heart beat was slow and steady and he was really silent. As silent as a at stalking its prey.

Slowly and stealthily, I removed Ezra's arms and slid out of the bed. I put on his dressing gown which was hung on the door and I breathed in his scent. I smiled then walked around his room. I was so happy for some reason this morning. It's probably because of what went down between us last night. I hope I wasn't too rough with him though. I admit I did sneak some alcohol before I came to his apartment but I wanted to feel grown up, taller than I was.

All my life, I've been the small one. The one who gets caught when the girls and I try to sneak into an '18 and over' club. They always get away with it but I'm just left looking like a kid. I'm bigger than I look but that doesn't help my motives.
Ezra's PoV

A shot upright an gasped. I had a really disturbing dream. They are coming back. Why? Why is this happening again?

Last night was great and I just had to ruin my morning by dreaming about Nicole. Why?

I saw Aria walking around and she looked cute in my dressing gown. I immediately hid my worried look on my face and turned the worry into happiness. I thought of our time last night and that helped a lot.

"Hey babe." I said


She came crawling over to me and kissed my lips. I flipped her over so I was on top and I undid the belt to the gown that she was wearing.

"Ezra!" She shouted in a playful way. "You had enough of that last night."

I frowned. Seeing her happy, I had to tell her about my deja vu. The dream was the same. Exactly how I remembered it and that's what scared me. Repeated dreams are not a good sign for an on going relationship.

"Hey Aria I need to tell you something. It's been eating away at me for a while and I just need to tell someone."

She held my cheeks and I saw how happy she was. I couldn't tell her. Not now. I wanted to but the words just wouldn't come out. I was speechless. For the first time in forever, I couldn't get my words out. It's like they were stuck.

"Hey..." She said calmly. I swallowed hard and slowed down my breathing. My heart was beating fast but I gradually stowed it down by just taking deep breaths.

"You can tell me anything Ezra. I'll listen."

I stayed silent. I had no words. I couldn't tell her that I was having wet dreams about Nicole when aria and I just ha sex last night. I couldn't throw that on her. I needed time to think this over. I needed to find the perfect moment.
Arias PoV

When Ezra woke up, he seemed startled like something was scaring him. I saw him hid his fear from me as I could see right through him. I knew there was something bothering him but I wasn't going to say anything. He'll tell me when he's ready. That's what a relationship is all about. Trust.

I felt my pocket vibrate and took out a phone. It wasn't mine it was Ezra's. I was shocked by the message I saw. It was happening again.
Flashback* Quite a while ago, the girls and I got text messages from an unknown number. They knew everything about our lives and they did everything they could to get our deepest secrets out. This started at Alison's funeral.

After a while, the text messages suddenly stopped. It was like a weight had been lifted of our shoulders and we could move on with our lives. We were able to live without constant fear whenever our phones got a notification. We were able to leave our doors unlocked in summer and we didn't have to worry about people breaking in anymore. We were completely free.

After staring at the text on Ezra's phone , I froze. I stood as still as a statue.

Unknown number
Did you miss me?

That's what the text message said. I was completely mortified. I was scared for Ezra. Was this the only text message he got or was this the first? Could this be what was worrying Ezra.

I felt shivers travel up my spine as Ezra touch my arm. I shuddered.

"Are you ok?" He asked calmly. I didn't dare to answer. "Aria." I took a step back. "That's my phone isn't it?"

I took another step back and stared up into his eyes. He didn't seem scared as I was right now. Perhaps A knew that I had Ezra's phone in my pocket so they sent the message to that phone? Of course that's what happened. -A knows everything. If they at back then none of us are safe. Ezra could be in danger. Our relationship could be in danger.

"Ezra I need to hold onto this." I told him then quickly changed back into my clothes.

"Aria your scaring me." I held his cheek and he shuddered. "Your hands are freezing." Was this information affecting my health?

Without further questioning I rushed out of the door, grabbing my phone as well as Ezra's, on the way out. Ezra followed me but I stopped him at the door.

"I need to sort some stuff out I'll speak to you later ok." I stood on my tip toes and pecks him on the cheek.

"Ok but I'll get my phone back right?"

"Of course I'm not that stingy." He faked a laugh then let me go. I didn't like back at him, just Carried on walking.

I grabbed my phone and rang Hannah. The phone went to voice mail to I tried Spencer but he phone also went to voicemail. Starting to get frustrated, I rang Emily and she immediately answered after the first ring.

"Hey thank God you answered!" I burst out. My voice was raging after a series of ignorance.

"What's up?" She spoke over the other side of the line. I could here her voice clearly.

"-A's back Hannah and he targeted Ezra's phone. Tell the others and meet me at the brew now."

Hello my lovely readers. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I know it was short but I was busy with school work. I brought -A back to add some action to the book and I hope you like this plot that I've got going on.

This isn't as long as my other chapters but it's just a filler. More action is heading your way so keep reading and be prepared.



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