Bad Birthday

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Today was my birthday.


If you can't tell, I did not enjoy my day. School was a boring mess and goddammit, I sat in the fucking cold for like 40 minutes. Doesn't that just sound wonderful? Ha! All I'm saying is this is was a shitty 14th birthday, that's all.

My School Day

Yea, a lot of people wished me a happy birthday and my mom brought my friends and I a shit ton of sugary food, but I was irritated as hell and a lot of my friends weren't in a good mood.

I felt like I was going to fall asleep at any moment. I was so tired and everything pissed me off.

I was really happy for first period, I got to listen to music in class and my friends and I were chatting up a storm. Second period drained the happiness out of me. Third period thank you. Lunch was fun, my mom brought a cake and cupcakes for me and my two birthday twins, Tayler and Tyler. I don't even remember first period because I was too busy shaking from the amount of sugar I consumed at lunch. Fifth and sixth period were purely just irritating. I went to my friend's house. That was okay, but she was asleep the whole time. Fucking amazing.

Sitting Outside in the Cold Because of My Fucking Dogs

I went home at around 4:50pm. I left a bit earlier than I expected because two of my dogs were at the pound and my mom needed me to stay home since my brothers were coming home from after school program soon. It was all okay but I ended up sitting there until 5:30pm. I didn't have a key and my dad wasn't home. Therefore, I was stuck in the fucking cold. It was dark out and I had visible breath. I Snapchatted with my friend the whole time, waiting for my mom or dad.

I Broke My P!ATD Backpack And I Feel Upset About Other Stuff

Yup. I broke my fucking backpack. I have to use my Pokemon backpack now. The zipper is all fucked to shit. Isaac is irritated that I took Amelia to Fantastic Beasts too, which pisses me off and make me feel guilty. I also feel bad because I'd realized that I exposed my current romantic and emotional situation in my ELA paper and fanfiction. Just wonderful.


Overall, I just want to cry. My day was just so bad, especially for my birthday. But that's how life is.

It hurts you till you can't take it anymore, emotionally and physically.

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