i am passionate about this

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Fucking SPACE



I swear, ever since I was little, I've always loved looking up at the sky. I'd always try to come up with explanations for phenomena that happened in the sky. One of my most vivid memories from when I was really tiny was on Christmas Eve and I was staring at the night sky. At first, I was looking for Santa Claus (because I had a serious Christmas spirit) and it didn't take long for me to start getting wrapped up in finding the big dipper and just taking in the sky itself. Hell, most of my life I've been looking at the sky for relaxation and answers. I don't why, I just really like the sky I guess.

It wasn't until sixth and seventh grade when I really started getting into space. I began looking at astronomy stuff and even studying black holes. This year in eighth grade, I've been studying physics for science and just holy shit man. I have begun realizing just how much I love this kind of stuff. Gravity, different forces, energy, it's so interesting to me. I often get the question, "how do you even know that?" or people think I'm crazy for researching something so crazy and complex but I guess that's why I like it so much. It's an expanding subject.

L I T E R A L L Y .

The universe keeps expanding and black holes leading to possible other dimensions and far off places in the universe are being created at this very moment. I mean, how could you not want to dive deeper into the subject??? Especially with the possible life forms out there, just waiting to be found and the gigantic suns and moons and the undiscovered galaxies. I swear I want to go to space just feel the zero-gravity and to maybe even go to another planet or maybe to explore an astroid belt. Sure, pictures and recordings are cool but seeing it in person? That's all I want to do. I will lay down my life to do it. I'm dead fucking serious about that too. I feel trapped on this globe and I want to explore further than just a plane ride away.

But it's not just the exploration part. It's the science itself. Imagine finding a new element or figuring out a new law to physics. Or adding to a law. I love physics and chemistry. Well, I love a lot of sciences, but those two have a lot of interesting things okay. There's so much to learn and see, I want to help learn it and see it.

Heh. Yea. I love this stuff. Um. That's all folks. Toodles 🤠🤠

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