Chapter 2

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"Charlotte?" I heard the voice of Lily Evans behind me. I turned to see my fellow red haired friend.

"Hi Lily" I said helping her with some of the Runes Professor Harlow gave us to practice.

"Are you sure we should go down to the dungeons tonight? I heard about the party"

"If you want we can go to the Gryffindor common room?"

"What about the looks and glares you'll receive?" She said with a worried motherly tone.

"It's fine. I'm used to it" I said placing my robes in my bag, leaving me in my Slytherin cardigan and skirt, before heading towards the staircase that lead to the upper levels of the castle. Lily followed behind before leading the way towards her common room.

She explained to the infamous portrait of the overweight lady why I was there and that she had permission. The portrait scowled at me before opening. Inside, I was met with red and gold everywhere with Gryffindor students everywhere. They were near the fireplace, sitting at tables that were scattered about, even sitting on the stairs.

"Come on, over here" Lily said grabbing my arm and dragging me towards an empty table.

"Who brought the snake in here?" I heard.

"Why is there a blemish of green and silver among the red and gold?"

"I'm sorry" Lily said. I shook my head with a smile.

"Trust me Lily, I'm fine. They're just words. It's not like they're actually going to do anything" I said before taking one of the runes and the parchment the professor gave us.

About 20 minutes later, Lily grinned and hugged me. "I did it! I did it!" I chuckled as I nodded before giving her another.

"Really Evans? You've decided to go out with me?" I turn to see the two boys who had turned Rosalina's hair bright green earlier.

"No, Potter" she muttered before smiling at me and grabbing the parchment with the rune meanings.

"Well, who is this?" His friend asked, looking me up and down before looking at my sweater.

"Slytherin huh?"

"Black, this is Charlotte. She's my tutor." Lily said.

"Charlotte Asher" I say holding my hand out. He takes it and instead of shaking it, he kisses my knuckles holding eye contact with me the whole time.

"Sirius Black." Of course I know who Sirius freaking Black is. He's the one who's made it his life mission to shag or at least snog the female population at Hogwarts. Luckily, being in Slytherin has kept him away but I knew I couldn't avoid him forever. 

"You do that to all the girls don't you?" I say making him freeze. "You make them swoon over you and fall for you then you shag them and toss them aside. Toss them like rubbish on the road." His eyes meet mine before I turn back to the runes.

"Well then" James laughed. "I like her already."

"Well, Lily, your friends seem to want to spend time with you" I get up gathering my things. "I'll see you tomorrow"

"Don't worry, love" Sirius says with a smirk. "You'll be seeing me more often."

"No Char-"

"Bye Lily" I smile before walking out and thanking the portrait. I walk through the corridors before heading to the dungeons.

"Hello Salazar" I smile at the portrait.

"Hello Ms. Asher" he said before letting me in.

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