Chapter 4

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"Why are you obsessing over that Slytherin girl, Siri?" Susanne, my recent "girlfriend" says. She was a younger  Gryffindor that had been set up with me by her older sister who was a family friend. She's in Ravenclaw and is one of the people associated with my family that I like being around, so I decided to go with it. Susanne, the girl I'm "dating," is the most annoying person. 

"What? I don't obsess over her" I said turning my head away from the redhead that was laughing with a boy with red hair and one with brown hair. I thought of her daily life. She doesn't seem to have many girl friends. I know with her attitude and how feisty she is, guys tend to fear her or at least be cautious about her due to her family. 

"Siri! Pay attention to me" Susanne whined before throwing herself on my lap.

"Susanne, go away! It's over. Damn, you're annoying" I say getting up from the table and head over to the Slytherin table. I know it might have been a bad idea since my brother is there along with the rest of my family but I was too busy staring at her bright red hair.

I noticed her friends look up and smirk before starting a conversation with each other.

"Hey" I say as I sit down next to her. She turned to look at me with so much annoyance in her face.

"Black" She says, crossing her arms across her chest. I hear sniggered from across the table. "I hope you know this is the Slytherin table. The Gryffindor table is over there." she said pointing towards the red and gold table.

"Yea, I know. I just wanted to tell you that you should come to the Gryffindor common room more often" I smirked as her eyes narrowed.

"Usually, I would for Lily, but for you I do not really feeling like be called all those awful names and endure all that abuse from the stupid Gryffindors. Face it Black, you're a fifth year Gryffindor. I'm a sixth year Slytherin. It's not meant to be. Besides, I don't date immature man-whores" She says, her tone turning icy cold before turning back to her friends.

"Have fun babe, I'll see you around" I say before getting up and walking away, ignoring the glares that are sent my way from the crazy purebloods known as my family. Once back at the table, I plop down next to Remus with a groan. "Why is she so hateful towards me?"

"There's a long list Black" Marlene smirks.

"Considering you're on a mission to sleep with every girl in the castle by seventh year, I don't blame her" Carter, a recent transfer from Ilvermorny School of Magic in America, says.

"That's why you enjoyed it so much that night" I smirked with a wink making the girl go bright red.

"You got me drunk you asshole" She mutters before looking back to her charms book. I turned to look at Asher to see her standing on the bench, holding something above her head. She let out a loud laugh, throwing her head back, as the two boys below her tried to grab it. She jumped down and ran over towards us. She went straight to Evans.

"Come on, Lily!" She squealed before running out, her skirt blowing behind her. I sighed before putting my head in my hands.

"You've got it bad, mate" Prongs laughed.

"No, She's one of the only girls that I haven't crossed off my list" I sighed before pulling out the long piece of parchment that has the names of all the girls in Hogwarts. I went through it to see almost all the names crossed off. I stopped by the one name in Gryffindor that I have not crossed off. Lily Evans. James would kill me, but it's for a mission.

All the girls in Hufflepuff have been crossed off and I only have about ten girls in Ravenclaw. Slytherin house is a special case. There is only a certain few that aren't my family and that aren't completely awful. I see Asher's name all the way at the bottom. I put a star next to her name meaning to take special attention and get her.

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