Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning to find a note on my chest from Elena.

Dear Stupid,

I'm going to be down at breakfast at the GRYFFINDOR table with my brother. If you don't want sit there, it's fine but we're going to have some fun


I shook my head before getting dressed in some black skinny jeans and a red and black flannel before slipping my black vans on. I grabbed my wand and began my walk up to the Great Hall. I walked in to see the four tables all full with chatting students just like every other morning. I sighed before walking over to Elena where she sat next to James Potter.

"Hey Elena, got your note" I said sitting across her. "I did not appreciate you calling me stupid."

"Hey, we're even. I called myself ugly!" She said with a smile. She was wearing black shorts and a t-shirt that said "I'm handing out Slaps and Cupcakes&I'm all out of Cupcakes." Elena had such long legs for being on the short side. Her skin was darker than everyone even though her brother's wasn't.

"You're not ugly, love" Black smirk from next to me.

"Out of Cupcakes, Black" she said pointing at her shirt making me chuckle. Black put his hands up as if he was surrendering.

"Just a compliment" Elena rolled her eyes before adding air quotes with her fingers. Black chuckled before looking at Potter who was glaring at him.


"My Sister, Mate"

"Who has a boyfriend" Andrew said walking up and kissing Elena on the cheek. They were goals. Elena waved before walking off with Andrew.

"They are totally relationship goals" I heard Lily say with a sigh.

"I know"

"Who's that boy? He's cute..." I heard a whisper from next to Lily.

"That's Andrew Ockerman, one of the cutest guys in Hogwarts" A second year said to her friend before giggling. "He's a sixth year though and he's dating Elena Potter."

"So Asher, are we going to talk about what happened in the Shrieking Shack?" Black said with a smirk.

"No Black"

"What happened?" Lily said giving me a weird look.

"Nothing happened"

"Oh really... last time I checked, you and I were there alone-"

"No! Potter was there" I said before covering my mouth and shaking my head.

"Oh so in your mind, you had both of us at the same time" he smirked while Potter was laughing hysterically.

"I hate you both" I said before getting up and walking to the Ravenclaw table and gathering Edward, then gathering Charles from the Slytherin table.



"That wasn't funny, Sirius" I heard Moony say.

"She knows I was joking" I said before being tapped on the shoulder. I turned to see two tall boys. One wearing a Slytherin t-shirt and the other wearing blue Ravenclaw sweatpants.

"Who are you blokes?"

The taller one smirked. "I'm Charles. This is Edward."

"And what do you want?"

"Why don't you come with us?" Edward said with a smile. He spoke in a calm way which makes you feel like nothing's wrong but I know I messed up. "We need to have a chat."

Before I could deny, Charles grabs my robes and pulls me up from the table and drags me out. Edward smiles toward someone before telling James and Remus something before following us.

"What do you want with me?" I say struggling as I'm dragged behind him.

"Why is Charlotte crying in her dorm covered in tissues and depressing dystopian books?" Edward said calmly walking up next to Charles.

"Who? Charlotte?" I said clueless to the name before my mind came to. "Oh, Asher. Something probably happened with Elena."

"Then why is she writing Black in red ink then stabbing the paper and shooting damaging spells at it? Huh" Charles said, yanking me up so I was eye level to him.

"I don't know!"

"Well unless you tell us what you did to her, you're not going to enjoy today's activities" Charles smirks before dragging me outside and laying my down right outside the Whomping Willow's reach. Edward lifted his wand and gave it a flick. I felt my body go rigid and freeze. Oh no. He started mumbling words as he moved him wand and eventually I was paralyzed from the neck down.

"Now, what did you do?" Edward says putting his wand in his pocket and pushing my body closer to the flailing branches.

After about twenty minutes of them asking me the same question and me answering with the same answer, I repeatedly got hit with branches from the angry tree.

"I said a joke that she misunderstood!" I yelled after getting hit in the stomach. They dragged me back towards them.

"A joke?"

"Last night, James and I went to the Shack and we saw a fox and I performed a spell and the fox turned into her. She wanted to leave but I didn't let her at first. Then this morning, I was joking around insinuating we did other things." I said so fast that my breath had to catch up to my words.

"You bloody idiot!"

"Our mother is already on her ass about finding a suitor that is of pure blood and that isn't a dick! Our mother is also on her ass about saving herself for marriage when we know those Mid-Semester Slytherin parties are the reason why a majority of Hogwarts aren't virgins! Including our sister!" Charles yelled. "You said those words loud enough in the Great Hall this morning that everyone around you heard them. Including Slytherin house! Who are damn well going to tell our mother!"

"I didn't know..."

"Well it's too late for sorry, isn't it Black?" Edward said before dragging his brother with him.

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