Chapter 18

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"Where'd you go!" Elena practically screamed when I walked into the dorm. "You've been gone almost a week!"

"Yep" I said softly before placing the small bag of belongings I had brought back with me from the cottage. As Elena continued to fill me in on everything I missed, I noticed that the only beds in the room were mine and hers.

"Yea, Elena. Where are the other two beds?"

"Oh well, Fiona and Rebecca had a fight so they separated then Rebecca decided to attack me so they moved her."

"You say that so calmly" I said turning to where she sat on her bed.

"Well, I was alone!"

"The truth is..." I began before taking a breath. "I was stuck in a cottage with Sirius"

"Why!" She said jumping off the bed and tackling me. I squirmed and wiggled before jumping up and running around the room. I dodged her continuous attempts to tackle me before running out of the dorm and towards the grounds where I could lose her. "I'm going to catch you Charlotte!"

I kept running listening to her footsteps gaining on me. I burst through the entrance gates and onto the grounds that was littered with students.

I ran towards the tree stump over on the side of the castle. I turned to see Elena and Fabian chasing me now. I turned just as I got to the stump.

"Hello Charlie" Fabian smirked as he circled the stump with Elena.

"Fabian" I said, trying to catch my breath as I thought of a plan.

"Tell me Charlotte" Elena said with an evil smirk.

"Ugh-" I was cut off by being lifted up and carried bridal style away from the tree stump. I looked over the person's shoulder to see Elena being confronted by Andrew. Fabian was holding Elena by the waist as she yelled at him. "May I know who this is?" I whispered as I felt the person's face. He had slight stubble and a weird shaped nose with a pimple on it. A chuckle rang through my ears as I felt a vibration beside me.

"Hello love"

"I don't want to hear from you, right now" I mutter as I squirm in his arms.

"Stop moving, babe" he said trying to get me to stop moving. "It's not going to be an easier"

"For you!" I said wiggling to the point where I fall out of his arms and start to crawl away.

I know, not the best idea. I look around to see if anyone is there before transforming into my fox form and running away. I know Black probably saw me but he's seen me like this before.


*Elena's POV*

"What happened to the girl that stayed quiet?" I heard Fabian mutter to himself.

"That girl never existed. That girl was a facade for her parents" I said. "That girl has removed her mask to show who she really is."

"That's a deep metaphor, Elle"

"Professor Terroridy's Philosophical Charms class is very helpful with that" I smile before sitting down on one of the tree stumps. We sat on the tree stump watching the two love birds chase each other around in their animagus forms. I sighed at how adorable they were.

"How ya doing Ellie?" Fabian said, wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

"As well as you can feel when your so-called boyfriend has been shagging some harlot for the past nine months..." I sighed as thoughts of Andrew flashed through my mind.

"If a man has to cheat, he doesn't deserve you" Fabian said squeezing me tight. I nodded before turning to see Sirius and Charlotte gone. I looked around the black lake before spotting them. Sirius was in the Black lake as his dog form while Charlotte was standing on the edge of the lake smirking with her arms crossed.

"Look, Sirius Black is in his own lake" I sniggered.

Sirius walked up to Charlotte and wrapped his arms around her. She seemed to wiggle trying to get out of his wet grasp.

The next thing I saw shocked me.

Charlotte Asher actually let Sirius Black kiss her.

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